Formal Definition of DodekaTrie

As stated earlier, you will be implementing the SortedMap using a 12-ary search trie (DodekaTrie). A DodekaTrie would be similar to a B+ tree of order 12. So, the definition is usually implemented as an m-ary tree, where the degree of the root of any subtree is m, and leaf nodes do not have any space reserved for children5.

To facilitate exhaustive testing, you will implement a DodekaTrie using a version of the schema for B+ trees, with the branching factor fixed at 12. We have a parameter, leafOrder, which is the (max) number of keys that can fit in a leaf of an DodekaTrie. This is needed because there is no restriction that the size of the leaf node must match the size of an internal (guide) node; so, the number of keys in a DodekaTrie leaf node can be any number greater than or equal to one.

Your DodekaTries must be constructed using the following rules and conventions; no exceptions can or will be made.

These rules ARE mandatory, meaning that no credit will be given for the DodekaTrie if these rules are not observed. Just like the binary heap, there can be multiple DodekaTries of a given order that are correct. Since grading by merely diff-ing is impossible, we will grade your DodekaTrie by checking that the structure you produce satisfies the above rules.

MM Hugue 2017-10-17