... Project1
Participation in this project may prove HAZARDOUS to your health. Unfortunately, failure to participate early and often will definitely adversely affect your GPA. Take my advice. Start now, because you're already behind. If you don't believe me, ask anyone who took CMSC 420 with Dr. Hugue.
... MapQuest2
Copyright 1996-2016 MapQuest.com, Inc ("MapQuest"). All rights reserved. See www.mapquest.com for more information.
... independently3
While this design pattern is presented on page 273 of [1], a Google search using ``design patterns mediator'' is cheaper than buying the book.
... part14
This is not for production code, but to make sure that we can grade code that requires some form of the SortedMap that relies only on the JAVA api code.
... value.5
... time.6
... map7
This is not the same as the maps associated with JAVA or SortedMap, but the colloquial usage of the term map.
... `solved8
The solved section is also referred to as the 'known' set, with the unsolved portion known as the 'unknown' set.
... heaps9
This holds in the absence of any operations that delete or decrease any key except the min value or the root of a valid heap. We will discuss Fibonacci heaps in conjunction with general trees in Chapter 6 of Shaffer. If you choose to do this for Part 2, you are on your own.
... precision10
Yes, it seems odd that a double precision floating point value would round differently than single precision, but it does, as too many students to count found out earlier.