This page contains late breaking announcements from Dr. Hollingsworth and Kyungdong Ryu (the TA). Please check this page a couple of times a week.
The final will be Tuesday Mat 20, 1997 from 1:30 to 3:30 in 102 CLB (classroom building).
The final project demos have been scheduled for Wed. May 14, 1997 in the PCHASM lab (3120 AV Williams). The schedule only allows 30 min. per team so please try to arrive a bit before the start of your demo to get logged in and ready.
The deadline to request midterm regrades will be Tuesday May 13, 1997 at noon (end of office hours).
We have created groups for each project team. When you login and type groups, you can see the group id assigned to your project team. If you chgrp your project files to this group, and provide group read/write access to the files, you can share project files without having others be able to access them.
The ftp application is now avaialbe. The project page contains the source code and a README. You can also use this code as an example of how thread programs work.
To declare variables that have a specific number of bits, you should declate a struct of the form
typedef struct { unsigned int vpi:12; unsigned int vci:16; unsigned int pt:3; unsigned int clp:1; unsigned int crc:8; } atmHeader;
You must keep the ATM cell header format as defined above. Also, you need to use payload type field of 001 for a cell containg an AAL7 trailer.
The header files for the aal7 garbler, and network configuration are now on the class web page.