Submission Guidelines

Programming Assignment #5

Implementation Requirements

1- You should submit a tar file that contains the following directory tree:



                               /    \

                             /        \

                          ftp          lib           


The root directory. It does not contain any files.
Contains the ftp application posted on the class web page (our code).
Contains a library named libIPv6.a, the library should be generated by typing make in this directory. Use the rule:
libIPv6.a: $(OBJS)
ar rc libIPv6.a $(OBJS)


 2- There are two makefiles in this project, one in each directory. The files contain the following options:

3- Your code should use the garb_sendto routine to send packets. You should never use sendto function in your code.

4- Like the previous programs, you should submit a tar file. The tar file should include the directory tree descriped above.

The code has to compile and run on the CSC cluster, i.e. on Alpha stations


1- How do I submit my project?
You make a tar archive and then call a certain program from my directory called submit. The exact path is


Finally to submit your program, type

submit 5 filename

There is only one filename which is the tar file.

Grading Guidelines

These are only guidelines to give you a hint about what I am going to test in your code. The points may be redistributed later during grading the assignment.

Proper submission.


Readability and comments.


FTP application: sending a small size file


FTP application: sending large file


FTP application: accepting multiple connections


FTP application: receiving data.


Error management (corrupted data, duplicate data packet, discarded data packet, ?etc). You should use garb_sendto routine to send all your IPv6 packets.


Total points: