Home Syllabus Course Material Assignments INST799 - Thesis Research

Final Proposal

The capstone proposal is designed to provide a map for you to complete your project on time and for you to receive any guidance on the state of your work early on so you can adapt that plan. While things often change over the course of working on a project, consider this proposal as a contract between you and the College. If we approve your proposal and you complete the work outlined there, you will be successful. If you have to adjust your work, you can work out a revised plan with the instructor for the capstone course.

Here is a general outline of what we want to see in the proposal.


This section should give a clear description of what your proposal is about, why the problem is intersting and worth working on, and how you are contributing to knowledge by doing it. This should provide a context for the rest of the proposal.

Research Problem / Objective

Clearly define your research problem or objective. Everything you do in the proposal should build on that. Explicitly state the problem being addressed. Are you trying to answer a question? Are you developing a proof of concept?

Literature review

This section should cover all the relevant existing literature. Use this to establish the importance of your problem and to illustrate the open space where you are working.


How are you going to go about solving your research problem or achieving your objective? Are you going to run experiments? Work with design partners? Administer surveys? A combination of these things?

Explain in detail how you are going to go about your project. Include information on who you are going to involve in your study, how you are going to recruit participants, what you are going to use to develop prototypes (if there are any), etc. This section should thoroughly explain every detail of how you're going to collect your data.

Analysis / Evaluation Strategy

This section should explain how you are going to analyze the data once you have it.

Will there be a qualitative analysis? If so, how will you do that? Will you have someone helping you with coding? What type of insights are you looking to uncover?

If you are doing a quantitative analysis, what statistical methods do you plan to use? How will these statistics help support solving your research problem?

Completed Work

Explain what you have done so far. If you have developed prototypes, designs, survey instruments, etc., include them in this section. If you collected data, explain both the collection process and the data you have.

If you have run pilot tests, explain the resutls of those tests and the revisions you have made based on them.

Proposed Work

Outline the work you still have to complete in the Spring semester. Give a detailed outline of your plan and include a timeline for completing the work. You should plan for your project to be completely finished no less than 4 weeks before the end of the semester. You will need to submit the final project to the committee 2 weeks before your presentation, which will be at least 2 weeks before the end of the term so you have time to make any changes. Justify why, when you have finished that work, you will have completed your project.