Home Syllabus Course Material Assignments INST799 - Thesis Research

Project Draft, Phase 2

For draft 2, you should have the first phase of your work fully prepared to do pilot testing (which you will do in the final assignment). Like with draft 1, come prepared with this draft to discuss it in class.

Final First Prototype

You will likely make changes after pilot testing, but you should have your full implementation finished and prepared to demo in class. There should not be any programming left to do if you are writing code, no designing left to do if you are focusing on a design, and no question creation / coding left to do if you are doing a survey. If you are doing a data-based analysis, you should have all your data collected, parsed and ready to go.

Introduction / Motivation / Background

You have discussed related work in your first draft. This section should describe what you are doing, why it is interesting and worth doing, and describe any background that motivates it. That motivation doesn't need to be your related work section. It can be some specific research papers that you want to discuss in a motivational context, background news or anecdotes, or a description of the problem and why it has now become something worth studying.