Ben Bederson![HCIL Logo](images/hcil-logo-small.gif)
<my last name>
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
- Benjamin B. Bederson, Ginger Jin, Phillip Leslie, Alexander J. Quinn & Ben Zou. (2018). "Incomplete Disclosure: Evidence of Signaling and Countersignaling". American Economic Journal: Microeconomics - 10 (1), February 2018, pp. 41-66. [URL]
- Adil Yalcin, Niklas Elmqvist & Benjamin B. Bederson. (2017). "Raising the Bars: Evaluating Treemaps vs. Wrapped Bars for Dense Visualization of Sorted Numeric Data". Graphics Interface - 41-49. [URL]
- Lyndsey Anderson, Elizabeth E. Gardner, Rowena R. J. L. Kirby-Straker, Adil Yalcin & Benjamin B. Bederson. (2016). "Incorporating Learning Analytics into Basic Course Administration: How to Embrace the Opportunity to Identify Inconsistencies and Inform Responses". Journal of the Association for Communication Administration - in Journal of the Association for Communication Administration, 35 (1), Winter-Spring 2016, pp 2-14. [URL]
- Tak Yeon Lee & Benjamin B. Bederson. (2016). "Give the people what they want: studying end-user needs for enhancing the web". PeerJ Computer Science - 2:e91 [URL]
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