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SRL2006: Open Problems in Statistical Relational Learning |
Call For Papers Pointers
Information |
============================================================ Workshop at ICML 2006 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Workshop web page: http://www.cs.umd.edu/projects/srl2006 Statistical relational learning (SRL) addresses the challenge of applying statistical inference to problems which involve rich collections of objects linked together in complex relational networks. The last decade of SRL research has explored many different ways to combine statistical and relational models. We now have a much improved understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of various SRL representation languages, and have software systems for learning both model structure and parameters. The goal of this workshop is to look forward to the next five years of SRL research. What are the open problems and challenges? Some new problems have become clear through practical experience; other problems were hinted at in early SRL work and still seem daunting today. With the shared vocabulary and experience that the SRLcommunity has developed, we expect be able to formulate the important research problems much more precisely than we could five or ten years ago. Because our goal is to look forward, the bulk of the workshop will be organized into open problem sessions with focused discussion and contributed presentations. We are exploring possibilities for joint sessions with two related workshops occurring at this year's ICML, on "Learning in Structured Output Spaces" and "Statistical Network Analysis: Models, Issues and New Directions". We invite submissions from interested researchers. Submissions may be 6-to-8-page technical papers on recent advances in the theory or application of SRL, particularly those that highlight still-open problems. Potential participants may also submit 2-page position papers on open problems. Depending on the number of submissions received, accepted papers may be presented orally or as posters. Accepted papers will also be published in online proceedings. Because the workshop will emphasize discussion, we also invite brief proposals for topics of discussion sessions at the workshop. For more information, please see: IMPORTANT DATES Submissions due: Friday, April 28 SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Papers should be in the ICML style described by the files at: Please send submissions by email to srl2006@cs.umd.edu. ORGANIZERS Alan Fern, Oregon State University, USA PROGRAM COMMITTEE Mikhail Bilenko, University of Texas, Austin, USA |