Sample domain and problems
;;;; ---- BLOCKS WORLD DOMAIN ----
(in-package "UMCP") (setq *run-to-finish* t) ; automatic plan generation (clear-domain) ; clear existing domain definitions ;;;; --------- Symbol declarations ----------- (constants a b c table) ; declare constant symbols (predicates on clear) ; declare predicate symbols (compound-tasks move) ; declare compound task symbols (primitive-tasks unstack dostack restack) ; declare primitive task symbols (variables x y z) ; declare variable symbols ;;;; -------- Effects specifications ----------- ;; primitive task UNSTACK - move a block x on top of y to the table (operator unstack(x y) :pre ((clear x)(on x y)) :post ((~on x y)(on x table)(clear y))) ;; primitive task DOSTACK - move a block x on the table to the top of y (operator dostack (x y) :pre ((clear x)(on x table)(clear y)) :post ((~on x table)(on x y)(~clear y))) ;; primitive task RESTACK - move a block x on top of y to the top of ;; another block z (operator restack (x y z) :pre ((clear x)(on x y)(clear z)) :post ((~on x y)(~clear z)(clear y)(on x z))) ;;;; -------- Methods descriptions ------------ ;; compound task CLEAR (declare-method clear(x) :expansion ((n1 clear y) (n2 unstack y x)) :formula (and (not (veq x table)) (ord n1 n2) (between (clear y) n1 n2) (before (on y x) n1))) (declare-method move(x y z) :expansion ((n restack x y z)) :formula (and (not (veq y table)) (not (veq x table)) (not (veq z table)) (before (clear x) n) (before (clear z) n) (before (on x y) n))) (declare-method move(x y z) :expansion ((n dostack x z)) :formula (and (veq y table) (before (clear x) n) (before (on x y) n))) (declare-method on(x y) :expansion ((n1 clear x) (n2 clear y) (n3 move x z y)) :formula (and (ord n1 n3)(ord n2 n3) (not (veq x y)) (not (veq y z)) (not (veq x z)) (before (~on x y) (first n1 n2)) (before (on x z) n1) (between (clear x) n1 n3) (between (clear y) n2 n3) (between (on x z) n1 n3))) ;;;; ---- Loading Possible Effects Table ----- (load-poss-effects-table)
;;;; ---- Problem definitions ----- ;; To run this problem load this file and then ;; >(sussman-anomaly) ;; >(search-for-plan goal :strategy :bestfs) (defun sussman-anomaly() (clear-initial-state) (initially-true (on C A)(on B table)(on A table) (clear C)(clear B)) (setq goal (create-tn (and (after (on A B) (last n1 n2)) (after (on B C) (last n1 n2))) (n1 on A B)(n2 on B C)))) (defun prob1 () (clear-initial-state) (initially-true (on C A)(on B table)(on A table) (clear C)(clear B)) (setq goal (create-tn T (n on A B)))) (defun prob2 () (clear-initial-state) (initially-true (on C A)(on B table)(on A table) (clear C)(clear B)) (setq goal (create-tn T (n on B C)))) (defun prob3() (clear-initial-state) (initially-true (on C A)(on B table)(on A table) (clear C)(clear B)) (setq goal (create-tn (and (ord n2 n1) (after (on A B) (last n1 n2)) (after (on B C) (last n1 n2))) (n1 on A B)(n2 on B C))))Go back to Writing Your Own Domain