Publications Related to UMCP


Reiko Tsuneto, James Hendler and Dana Nau. "Plan-Refinement Strategies and Search-Space Size". Submitted to ECP-97.


Reiko Tsuneto, Kutluhan Erol, James Hendler and Dana Nau. "Commitment Strategies in HTN Planning" . In AAAI-96, Portland, August, 1996.


Kuluhan Erol, Dana Nau and V.S. Subrahmanian. "Complexity, Decidability and Undecidability Results for Domain-Independent Planning." in Artificial Intelligence 76:1-2, July 1995.

Kutluhan Erol "Hierarchical Task-Network Planning Systems: Formalization, Analysis, and Implementation." Ph.D Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, 1996.

Kutluhan Erol, Dana Nau, James Hendler and Reiko Tsuneto. "A Critical Look at Critics in HTN Planning". In IJCAI-95, Montreal, August, 1995.


Kutluhan Erol, Dana Nau, and James Hendler. "UMCP: A Sound and Complete Planning Procedure for Hierarchical Task-Network Planning". In AIPS-94, Chicago, June, 1994

Kutluhan Erol, Dana Nau, and James Hendler. "HTN Planning: Complexity and Expressivity" In AAAI-94, Seattle, July, 1994.

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