Kilian Stoffel, Merwyn Taylor, James Hendler.
Efficient Management of Very Large Ontologies.
In Proceedings of American Association for Artificial Intelligence
Conference (AAAI-97), AAAI/MIT Press 1997.
David Rager, James Hendler, Alice Mulvehill.
ForMAT and Parka: A Technology Integration Experiment and Beyond.
In Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development, Second International
Conference on Cased Based Reasoning (ICCBR-97), David Leake and Enric Plaza
editors, Springer, 1997.
James Hendler, Kilian Stoffel, Merwyn Taylor.
Advances in High Performance Knowledge Representation.
University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies Dept.
of Computer Science, Univ. of Maryland, July 1996. CS-TR-3672 (Also cross-referenced
as UMIACS-TR-96-56)
M.P. Evett, J.A. Hendler, and L. Spector.
Parallel Knowledge Representation on the Connection Machine.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 22:168-184, 1994.
Evett, M.P.
PARKA: A System for Massively Parallel Knowledge Representation,
Ph.D. dissertation, 1994.
W.A. Andersen, J.A. Hendler, M.P. Evett, and B.P. Kettler.
Massively Parallel Matching of Knowledge Structures.
In H. Kitano and J. Hendler, editors, Massively Parallel Artificial
Intelligence. AAAI/The MIT Press, 1994.
Kettler, B.P., Hendler, J.A.,
Andersen, W.A., and Evett, M.P.
Massively Parallel Support for a Case-based Planning System.
IEEE Expert, Feb. 1994, pp. 8-14.
M.P. Evett, W.A. Andersen, and J.A. Hendler.
Providing Computational Effective Knowledge Representation via Massive
In L. Kanal, V. Kumar, H. Kitano, and C. Suttner, editors, Parallel
Processing for Artificial Intelligence. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1994.
Evett, M.P., Hendler, J.A.,
Mahanti, A. and Nau, D.
PRA*: Massively Parallel Heuristic Search.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, (accepted March, 1993).
Evett, M.P., Andersen, W.A.
and Hendler, J.A.,
Massively Parallel Support for Computationally Effective Recognition
Proceedings of the Eleventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI-93), AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, 1993.
Evett, M.P., Andersen, W.A.
and Hendler, J.A.,
Massively Parallel Support for Efficient Knowledge Representation,
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (IJCAI-93), Morgan Kaufmann, Denver, 1993.
R. Tsuneto, J. Hendler, D. Nau and L. de Barros.
Matching Problem Features with Task Selection for Better Performance
in HTN Planning.
in AIPS Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Acquisition for Planning,
June, 1998.
R. Tsuneto, D. Nau, and J.Hendler.
Plan-Refinement Strategies and Search-Space Size.
in Proceedings of the Fourth European Conf. on Planning (ECP-97), September,
R. Tsuneto, K. Erol, J. Hendler and D. Nau.
Commitment Strategies in Hierarchical Task Network Planning.
in AAAI-96, Portland, August, 1996.
K. Erol, D. Nau, J. Hendler and R. Tsuneto.
A Critical Look at Critics in HTN Planning.
in IJCAI-95, Montreal, August, 1995.
K. Erol, D. Nau, J. Hendler.
UMCP: A Sound and Complete Planning Procedure for Hierarchical Task-Network
in AIPS-94, Chicago, June, 1994.
K. Erol, D. Nau, J. Hendler.
HTN Planning: Complexity and Expressivity.
In AAAI-94, Seattle, July, 1994.
K. Erol, D. Nau, J. Hendler.
Complexity Results for Hierarchical Task-Network Planning.
To appear in Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence.
R. C. Kohout, J. A. Hendler, D. J. Musliner, and A. K. Agrawala,
Supporting Intelligent Real-Time Control: Dynamic Reaction on the
Maruti Operating System,
submitted to Real-Time Systems Symposium , 1994.
R. Kohout,
Representing Reactive Competences for Hard Real-Time Systems
(Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal)
Seeliger, O. and Hendler, J.
Supervenient Hierarchies of Behaviors: Lessons Learned from a Vacuuming
Working notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Implemented Software
Architectures for Physical Agents, March, 1995.
Hendler, J. and Seeliger, O.
Exploring Vacuuming as a domain of applicability for a reactive
planning system, or, Robot with a Dustbuster,
Working notes of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Instantiating Real-world
Agents, October, 1993.
Seeliger, O.
The Use of Behavior Hierarchies for Controlling a Vision-Based Space
Teleoperation Robot.
Master's Theses. James Hendler advisor.
Jeff Heflin and James Hendler.
Semantic Interoperability on the Web.
In: Proceedings of Extreme Markup Languages 2000. Graphic Communications Association, 2000. pp. 111-120.
Jeff Heflin and James Hendler.
Dynamic Ontologies on the Web.
In: Proceedings of the Seventeenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2000). AAAI/MIT Press, Menlo Park, CA, 2000. pp. 443-449.
Jeff Heflin and James Hendler.
Searching the Web with SHOE.
In: Artificial Intelligence for Web Search. Papers from the AAAI Workshop. WS-00-01. AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, 2000. pp. 35-40.
Jeff Heflin, Jim Hendler, Sean Luke.
SHOE: A Knowledge Representation Language for Internet Applications.
Technical Report CS-TR-4078 (UMIACS TR-99-71), Dept. of Computer Science, University of Maryland at College Park. 1999.
Jeff Heflin, Jim Hendler, and Sean Luke.
Coping with Changing Ontologies in a Distributed Environment.
In: Ontology Management. Papers from the AAAI Workshop. WS-99-13. AAAI Press, 1999. pp. 74-79.
Jeff Heflin, James Hendler, and Sean Luke.
Applying Ontology to the Web: A Case Study.
In: J. Mira, J. Sanchez-Andres (Eds.), International Work-Conference
on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks, IWANN'99. Proceedings, Volume
II. Springer, Berlin, 1999. pp. 715-724.
Jeff Heflin, Jim Hendler, and Sean Luke.
Reading Between the Lines: Using SHOE to Discover Implicit Knowledge
from the Web
In: AI and Information Integration. Papers from the 1998 Workshop. WS-98-14. AAAI Press, 1998. pp. 51-57.
Sean Luke, Lee Spector, David Rager, and Jim Hendler.
Ontology-based Web Agents
In Proceedings of First International Conference on Autonomous Agents
1997, AA-97.
Sean Luke, Lee Spector, and David Rager.
Ontology-Based Knowledge Discovery on the World-Wide Web
In AAAI96 Workshop on Internet-based Information Systems.
Sean Luke and Jim Hendler
Web Agents That Work
In "Multimedia at Work" column of IEEE Multimedia, Vol. 4, No.
3, July-September 1997. Copyright 1997, IEEE.
Note: this paper does not include the figures, which were prepared
for the print edition of the magazine. You can obtain the figures in various
formats here.
Sean Luke, Shugo Hamahashi, and Hiroaki Kitano
"Genetic" Programming
In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
Sean Luke, Shugo Hamahashi, Koji Kyoda, and Hiroki Ueda
Biology: See It Again -- for the First Time
In IEEE Intelligent Systems. 13:5 (September/October 1998).
Sean Luke
A Revised Comparison of Crossover and Mutation in Genetic Programming
In Genetic Programming (GP98) conference proceedings, Madison, 1998.
Sean Luke
Genetic Programming Produced Competitive Soccer Softbot Teams for
In Genetic Programming (GP98) conference proceedings, Madison, 1998.
Hiroaki Kitano, Shugo Hamahashi, Jun Kitazawa, and Sean Luke
The Perfect C. elegans Project: An Initial Report
In Artificial Life, 4:2 (Spring 1998), 141-156. MIT Press.
Sean Luke
Evolving SoccerBots: A Retrospective
In Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence (JSAI98) conference
proceedings, Tokyo, Japan, 1998.
Sean Luke and Lee Spector
A Comparison of Crossover and Mutation in Genetic Programming
In Genetic Programming (GP97) conference proceedings, Stanford, 1997.
Note: this paper does not include the figures, which are very
large. You can obtain the figures in various formats here.
Also note that this paper has been superceded by a revised version of the
paper, listed above.
Sean Luke, Charles Hohn, Jonathan Farris, Gary Jackson, and James Hendler
Co-evolving Soccer Softbot Team Coordination with Genetic Programming
In the Proceedings of the First International Workshop on RoboCup,
at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-97),
Nagoya, Japan, 1997.
Sean Luke and Lee Spector
Evolving Teamwork and Coordination with Genetic Programming
In Genetic Programming (GP96) conference proceedings. Stanford, 1996.
Lee Spector and Sean Luke
Cultural Transmission of Information in Genetic Programming
In Genetic Programming (GP96) conference proceedings, Stanford, 1996.
Lee Spector and Sean Luke
Culture Enhances the Evolvability of Cognition
In Cognitive Science 1996 (CogSci96) conference proceedings.
Sean Luke and Lee Spector
Evolving Graphs and Networks with Edge Encoding: Preliminary Report
In Late-breaking Papers of the Genetic Programming (GP96) Conference,
Stanford, 1996.
Merwyn Taylor, Kilian Stoffel, James Hendler, and Jeol Saltz
Using Distributed Query Result Caching to Evaluate Queries for Parallel
Data Mining Algorithms
In Proceedings of the PTPTA98 Conference on Data Warehousing. Las Vegas,
Nevada, 1998.