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The simplest way to examine a relation is to print it to the screen or
to a file. The following member functions of Relation
relations in a number of different ways.
- void Relation::print()
- void Relation::print(FILE *output_file)
A basic function to print the relation for humans to read.
- void Relation::print_with_subs(FILE *output_file, bool printSym=false)
- String Relation::print_with_subs_to_string(bool printSym=false)
These functions attempt to print the relation in an
easy-to-understand format. At each input variable and output
variable, they try to print the variable as an affine function
of the variables to the left. The variable printSym controls
whether the set of symbolic variables used in the relation are
- void Relation::prefix_print(FILE *output_file)
This is a print function used primarily to debug programs that
use the library. It is designed to make clear the structure
of the formula tree and show the details of the variables used
in the formula.
- void Relation::prefix_print()
This is the same as the other version of prefix_print, but it
prints to stdout.
- String Relation::print_formula_to_string()
This allows you to extract a printed representation of the
relation's formula, without the input and output variables
being printed.
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