The library has some internal debugging output that you can turn on. It may not be useful to you, since it makes reports about internal functions of the library.
All debugging goes to the file DebugFile , which defaults to stderr . You can assign a FILE* to that variable to redirect debugging output. To turn off all debugging, call the function all_debugging_off() . To use the flags as they are used in the calculator (without the calculator debugging flag) call the function process_pres_debugging_flags(char *arg,int &j) where arg points to a character string with [letter][digit] pairs, each [digit] is between 1 and 4, and j is an offset into the string at which to start processing flags. If the digit is omitted, it is assumed to be 1. The letters mean:
As an example, your program might use the -D flag to introduce Omega library debugging flags, and a use of this might be -Dp1r1 . Your code should recognize the -D flag and pass a pointer to the beginning of the p1r1 string to process_pres_debugging_flags .