Summary of 1992/1993 Experimental Results
The results from experiments conducted in 1992/1993 revealed several problems in the design and implementation of network components like interface cards, routers, software, etc. This study convinced us that networks often do not exhibit the behavior expected from them. These problems are likely to be present for a long time even if a serious effort is made to track down and rectify them, simply because of the complexity of the environment. It is, therefore, imperative that these problems be explicitly taken into account when designing any control scheme(e.g. routing protocols, flow control, congestion control) for the network. Protocols and applications should be madde more robust to handle high losses, variable transit times, etc.
The complete detailed results of this experiment can be found at the following:
D. Sanghi, A.K. Agrawala, O. Gudmundsson, Study of network dynamics, Computer Networks ISDN Syst. 26(7) (1993) 371-378