High Performance Software Laboratory CHAOS: Tools

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  • PARTI Primitives for Unstructured and Block Structured Problems

    Published in Computing Systems in Engineering in 1992.

    Alan Sussman, Joel Saltz, Raja Das, S. Gupta. Dimitri Mavriplis and Ravi Ponnusamy

  • Applying the CHAOS/PARTI Library to Irregular Problems in Computational Chemistry and Computational Aerodynamics

    Published in Scalable Parallel Libraries Conference, Mississippi State University in 1993.

    Raja Das, Yuan-Shin Hwang, Mustafa Uysal, Joel Saltz, Alan Sussman

  • Runtime Support and Compilation Methods for User-Specified Data Distributions

    Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems in Nov 1993.

    Ravi Ponnusamy, Joel Saltz, Alok Choudhary, Yuan-Shin Hwang, Geoffrey Fox

  • Communication Optimizations for Irregular Scientific Computations on Distributed Memory Architectures

    Submitted to Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing in October 1993

    Raja Das, Mustafa Uysal, Joel Saltz, and Yuan-Shin Hwang

  • Runtime Support and Compilation Methods for User-Specified Data Distributions

    Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems in Nov 1993.

    Ravi Ponnusamy, Joel Saltz, Alok Choudhary, Yuan-Shin Hwang, Geoffrey Fox

  • Communication Optimizations for Irregular Scientific Computations on Distributed Memory Architectures

    Submitted to Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing in Oct '93.

    Raja Das, Mustafa Uysal, Joel Saltz, and Yuan-Shin Hwang

  • Supporting Irregular Distributions in FORTRAN 90D/HPF Compilers, Submitted to IEEE Parrallel and Distributed Technology.
    Ravi Ponnusamy, Yuan-Shin Hwang, Joel Saltz, Alok Choudhary, and Geoffrey Fox

  • Runtime Support and Dynamic Load Balancing Strategies for Structured Adaptive Applications

    To appear in: Proceedings of the Seventh SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing in Febuary 1995

    Bongki Moon, Gopal Patnaik, Robert Bennett, David Fyfe, Alan Sussman, Craig Douglas, Joel Saltz, K. Kailasanath

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