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  • Titan: A High Performance Remote Sensing Database

    Chialin Chang, Bongki Moon, Anurag Acharya, Carter Shock, Alan Sussman and Joel Saltz

    August 1996

    University of Maryland Technical Report CS-TR-3689 and UMIACS-TR-96-67

    Submitted to 1997 International Conference on Data Engineering

  • Network-aware Mobile Programs

    M. Ranganathan, Anurag Acharya, Shamik Sharma, Joel Saltz

    June 1996

    University of Maryland Technical Report: CS-TR-3659 and UMIACS-TR-96-46

    Submitted to Usenix 97 Conference

  • Interleaved Parallel Hybrid Arnoldi Method for a Parallel Machine and a Network of Workstations

    Guy Edjlali, Serge Petition, Nahid Emad

    June, 1996

  • Interoperability of Data Parallel Runtime Libraries with Meta-Chaos

    Guy Edjlali and Alan Sussman and Joel Saltz

    May 1996

  • Scalability Analysis of Declustering Methods for Cartesian product files

    Bongki Moon and Joel H. Saltz

    April 1996

    University of Maryland Technical Report: CS-TR-3590 and UMIACS-TR-96-5

    Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

  • Analysis of the Clustering Properties of Hilbert Space-filling Curve

    Bongki Moon, H. V. Jagadish, Christos Faloutsos, Joel H. Saltz

    March 1996

    University of Maryland Department of Computer Science Technical Report, CS-TR-3611 and UMIACS-TR-96-20

    Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, March 1996

  • Eliminating Redundant Barrier Synchronizations in Rule-based Programs

    Anurag Acharya

    To be published in: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference of Supercomputing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 25-27, 1996

  • Study of Scalable Declustering Algorithms for Parallel Grid Files

    Bongki Moon, Anurag Acharya, Joel Saltz

    April 1996

    To be published in Proceedings of the 1996 Parallel Processing Symposium

    University of Maryland Technical Report: CS-TR-3589 and UMIACS-TR-96-4 Lengthened version

  • Tuning the Performance of I/O-Intensive Parallel Applications

    Anurag Acharya, Mustafa Uysal, Robert Bennett, Assaf Mendelson, Michael Beynon, Jeff Hollingsworth, Joel Saltz, Alan Sussman

    To appear in: Fourth Annual Workshop on I/O in Parallel and Distributed Systems, May 27 1996, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  • An Interprocedural Framework for Placement of Asynchronous I/O Operations

    Gagan Agrawal, Anurag Acharya, Joel Saltz

    To be published in: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference of Supercomputing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 25-27, 1996, pages 358-365

  • Experimental Evaluation of Sparse Matrix Distributions

    M. Ujaldon Martinez, S. Sharma, J. Saltz, and E. Zapata

    To be published in:Proceedings of the ACM International Conference of Supercomputing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 25-27, 1996, pages 78-85

  • Runtime Coupling of Data-Parallel Programs

    May 1996

    Mudumbai Ranganathan, Anurag Acharya, Guy Edjlali, Alan Sussman, Joel Saltz

    To be published in: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference of Supercomputing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 25-27, 1996 pages 229-236

    University of Maryland: Department of Computer Science and UMIACS Technical Reports CS-TR-3565 and UMIACS TR-95-116

  • Runtime Techniques for Parallelizing Sparse Matrix Applications

    Published in: Proceedings of the 1995 Workshop on Irregular Problems

    September, 1995, , pages 78-85

    Manuel Ujaldon Martinez, Shamik D. Sharma, Joel Saltz, Emilio Zapata

  • Compiler and Runtime Support for Programming in Adaptive Parallel Environments

    Published as: University of Maryland Technical Report CS-TR-3510 and UMIACS-TR-95-83

    Submitted for Journal Publication

    Guy Edjlali, Gagan Agrawal, Alan Sussman, Jim Humphries, Joel Saltz

  • Object-Oriented Runtime Support for Complex Distributed Data Structures

    University of Maryland: Department of Computer Science and UMIACS Technical Reports CR-TR-3438 and UMIACS-TR-95-35

    C. Chang, A. Sussman, J. Saltz

    March, 1995

  • A Manual for the {CHAOS} Runtime Library

    University of Maryland: Department of Computer Science and UMIACS Technical Reports CS-TR-3437 and UMIACS-TR-95-34

    March 1995

    J. Saltz, R. Ponnusammy, S. Sharma, B. Moon, Y.-S. Hwang, M. Uysal, R. Das

  • Parallelization of Fine Grained, Irregular DAGs

    Submitted to International Conference on Supercomputing 1995

    F. Chong, S. Sharma, E. Brewer, J. Saltz

    December, 1994

  • Distributed Memory Compiler Design for Sparse Problems

    Published in: IEEE Transactions on Computers vol. 44, no.6, pg: 737-753, June 1995

    J. Wu, R. Das, J. Saltz, H. Berryman, S. Hiranandani

  • A Framework for Optimizing Parallel {I/O}

    University of Maryland: Department of Computer Science and UMIACS Technical Reports CS-TR-3417 and UMIACS-TR-95-20

    R. Bennett, K. Byrant, A. Sussman, R. Das, J. Saltz

    January 1995

  • Index Translation Schemes for Adaptive Computations on Distributed Memory Multicomputers

    Published in: Proceedings of the Ninth International Parallel Processing Symposium pg: 812-819, April 1995

    B. Moon, M. Uysal, J. Saltz

  • Data Parallel Programming in an Adaptive Environment

    Published in: Proceedings of the Ninth International Parallel Processing Symposium April 1995 pg: 827-832

    G. Edjlali, G. Agrawal, A. Sussman, J. Saltz

    An extended version also available as University of Maryland Technical Report: CS-TR-3350 and UMIACS-TR-94-109

  • Runtime Support to Parallelize Adaptive Irregular Programs

    Published in: Proceeding of the Workshop on Environments and Tools for Parallel Scientific Computing,

    May 1994

    Y.-S. Hwang, B. Moon, S. Sharma, R. Das, J. Saltz

  • Supporting Irregular Distributions in FORTRAN 90D/HPF Compilers

    University of Maryland: Department of Computer Science and UMIACS Technical Reports CR-TR-3268 and UMIACS-TR-94-57

    May 1994
    R. Ponnusamy, Y.-S. Hwang, J. Saltz, A. Choudhary, G. Fox

    Also available in IEEE Parallel & Distributed Technology, Spring 1995

  • Interprocedural Partial Redundancy Elimination and Its Application to Distributed Memory Compilation

    Published in: Proceedings of the SIGPLAN '95 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation pg: 258-269

    June, 1995

    G. Agrawal, J. Saltz, R. Das

    University of Maryland: Department of Computer Science and UMIACS Technical Reports CR-TR-3446 and UMIACS-TR-95-42

  • Efficient Support for Irregular Applications on Distributed-Memory Machines

    Published in: Proceedings of the Fifth ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles & Practice of Parallel Programming '95 pg: 68-79

    July 1995

    S. Mukherjee, S. Sharma, M. Hill, J. Larus, A. Rogers, J. Saltz

    ACM SIGPLAN Notices, vol. 30, no. 8

  • Interprocedural Compilation of Irregular Application for Distributed Memory Machines

    University of Maryland: Department of Computer Science Technical Reports CR-TR- 3447

    G. Agrawal, J. Saltz

    Published in: Proceedings of Supercomputing 95, San Diego, California, December 3-8, 1995.

  • Communication Optimizations for Irregular Scientific Computations on Distributed Memory Architectures

    Published in: Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing vol. 22, no. 3

    pg: 462-479, September 1994

    R. Das, M. Uysal, J. Saltz, Y.-S. Hwang

    Also available: University of Maryland Technical Report CS-TR-3163 and UMIACS-TR-93-109

  • Runtime and Language Support for Compiling Adaptive Irregular Programs on Distributed Memory Machines

    Published in: Software Practice & Experience vol. 25, no. 6, pg. 597-621, June 1995

    Y.-S. Hwang, B. Moon, S. Sharma, R. Ponnusamy, R. Das, J. Saltz

  • Jovian: A Framework for Optimizing Parallel I/O

    Published in: Proceedings of the 1994 Scalable Parallel Libraries Conference pg: 10-20, October 1994

    R. Bennett, K. Bryant, A. Sussman, R. Das

  • Value-based Distributions in Fortran D: A Preliminary Report

    Published: CRPC 1993, no. CRPC-TR93365-S

    December 1993

    R. von Hanxleden, K. Kennedy, J. Saltz

    Final version appears in: Journal of Programming Languages- Special Issue on Compiling and Run-Time Issues for Distributed Access Machines

    Vol. 2, no. 3

  • High Performance Computing for Land Cover Dynamics

    Published in Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition , IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 234-238, Jerusalem, Israel, October 9-13, 1994

    Rahul Parulekar, Larry Davis, Rama Chellappa, J. Saltz, Alan Sussman, John Townshend.

  • Parallelizing Molecular Dynamics Programs for Distributed Memory Machines: An Application of the CHAOS Runtime Support Library

    Published in: IEEE Computational Science and Engineering

    pg: 18-29, vol. 2, no. 2, July 1995

    Also published as: University of Maryland: Department of Computer Science and UMIACS Technical Reports CS-TR-3374, UMIACS-TR-94-125

    Yuan-Shin Hwang, Raja Das, Joel Saltz, Bernard Brooks, Milan Hodoscek.

  • Support for Distributed Dynamic Data Structures in C++

    University of Maryland: Department of Computer Science Technical Report CS-TR-3416 and UMIACS-TR-95-19

    January 1995

    Chialin Chang, Alan Sussman, Joel Saltz.

  • Runtime Support and Compilation Methods for User-Specified Data Distributions

    Published in: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Memory Systems

    vol 6, no. 8, pg: 815-831
    Also published as: University of Maryland: Department of Computer Science Technical Report CS-TR-3194 and UMIACS-TR-93-135

    Ravi Ponnusamy, Joel Saltz, Alok Choudhary, Yuan-Shin Hwang, Geoffrey Fox.

  • Parallelizing Molecular Dynamics Codes using the {Parti} Software Primitives

    Published in: Proceedings of the Sixth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing

    pg:187-192, March 1993

    Raja Das, Joel Saltz.

  • Adaptive Runtime Support for Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Methods on Distributed Memory Architectures

    Published in: Proceedings of the Scalable High Performance Computing Conference 1994

    pg: 176-183, May 1994

    Bongki Moon, Joel Saltz.

  • Applying the {CHAOS/PARTI} Library to Irregular Problems in Computational Chemistry and Computational Aerodynamics

    Published in: Proceedings of the Scalable Parallel Libraries Conference 1993

    pg: 45-56

    October 1993

    Raja Das, Y. Hwang, M. Uysal, J. Saltz, A. Sussman.

  • {PARTI} Primitives for Unstructured and Block Structured Problems

    Published in: Computing Systems in Engineering vol. 3 num. 1-4 pg: 73-86

    A. Sussman, J. Saltz, R. Das, S. Gupta, D. Mavriplis, R. Ponnusamy, K. Crowley

  • Slicing Analysis and Indirect Access to Distributed Arrays

    Published in Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing

    pg: 152-168

    August, 1993

    Also available: University of Maryland Technical Report: CS-TR-3076 and UMIACS-TR-93-42

    Raja Das, Joel Saltz, Reinhard v. Hanxleden.

  • Compiler Analysis for Irregular Problems in {Fortran-D}

    Published in: Proceedings of 5th Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing

    August, 1992

    R. v. Hanxleden, K. Kennedy, C. Koelbel, R. Das, J. Saltz.

  • Multiprocessor Runtime Support for Fine-Grained, Irregular {DAGs}

    University of Maryland: Department of Computer Science Technical Report, CS-TR-3266

    March, 1994

    Frederick T. Chong, Shamik D. Sharma, Eric Brewer, Joel Saltz.

  • The Dybbuk Runtime System

    Published in: Proceedings of the IEEE Compcon 1993 pg: 361-370, February 1993

    R. Ponnusamy, R. Das, J. Saltz, D. Mavriplis

  • Runtime-Compilation Techniques for Data Partitioning and Communication Schedule Reuse

    Published in Proceedings Supercomputing '93 pg: 361-370, November 1993

    Also available: University of Maryland and UMIACS Technical Report: CS-TR-3055 and UMIACS-TR-93-32

    Ravi Ponnusamy, Joel Saltz, Alok Choudhary.

  • On Efficient Runtime Support for Multiblock and Multigrid Applications: Regular Section Analysis

    October 1993

    University of Maryland: Department of Computer Science and UMIACS Technical Reports CS-TR-3140, UMIACS-TR-93-92

    Gagan Agrawal, Alan Sussman, Joel Saltz.

  • Compiler and Runtime Support for Structured and Block Structured Applications

    Gagan Agrawal, Alan Sussman, Joel Saltz.

    Published in Proceedings of Supercomputing '93 pg. 578-587

    November 1993

    Also available as University of Maryland Technical Report: CS-TR-3052 and UMIACS-TR-93-29

  • Parallel Monte Carlo Simulation of Three-Dimensional Flow over a Flat Plate

    R. P. Nance, R. G. Wilmouth, B. Moon, H. A. Hassan, J. Saltz

    July 1995

    Published in: AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer

    Vol. 9, no. 3, pg: 471-477

    University of Maryland Technical Report: CR-TR-3425 and UMIACS-TR-95-25

  • An Integrated Runtime and Compile-Time Approach for Parallelizing Structured and Block Structured Applications

    Published in: IEEE Parallel and Distributed Systems July 1995, vol. 6, number 7, pg: 747

    Also available: University of Maryland: Department of Computer Science and UMIACS Technical Reports CS-TR-3143, UMIACS-TR-93-94

    Gagan Agrawal, Alan Sussman, Joel Saltz.

  • A Manual for the Multiblock {PARTI} Runtime Primitives, Revision 4.1

    University of Maryland: Department of Computer Science and UMIACS Technical Reports CS-TR-3070.1, UMIACS-TR-93-36.1

    December 1993

    Alan Sussman, Gagan Agrawal, Joel Saltz.

  • The Design and Implementation of a Parallel Unstructured {E}uler Solver

    Published in AIAA Journal vol. 32, no. 3, pg: 489-496

    March 1994

    Raja Das, D. J. Mavriplis, J. Saltz, S. Gupta, R. Ponnusamy.

  • Parallel {DSMC} Solution of Three-Dimensional Flow over a Finite Flat Plane

    Published in: Proceedings of 6th {AIAA/ASME} Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference

    June 1994

    R. Nance, R. Wilmoth, B. Moon, H. Hassan, J. Saltz.

  • Run-time and Compile-time Support for Adaptive Irregular Problems

    Published in Supercomputing 1994 published by IEEE Press, pg: 97-106

    November 1994

    Shamik D. Sharma, Ravi Ponnusamy, Bongki Moon, Yuan-Shin Hwang, Raja Das, Joel Saltz.

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