Data-intensive programs
- Titan: A High Performance Remote-Sensing
Database, C. Chang, B. Moon, A.
Acharya,C. Shock A. Sussman and J. Saltz, Proceedings
of the 1997 International Conference on Data Engineering,
Birmingham, England, April 1997.
- Scheduling in a High Performance
Remote-Sensing Data Server , C. Chang and A. Sussman and
J. Saltz, Proceedings of the Eighth SIAM Conference on
Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Minneapolis,
MN, March 1997.
- The Virtual Microscope,
Renato Ferreira, Bongki Moon, Jim Humphries, Alan
Sussman, Joel Saltz, submitted to American Medical
Informatics Association annual conference.
- The Design and Evaluation of a High-Performance
Earth Science Database, Carter
Shock, Chialin Chang, Bongki Moon, Anurag Acharya, Larry
Davis, Joel Saltz, Alan Sussman. To appear in special
issue of Parallel Computing on Parallel Data Servers and
- Scalability Analysis of Declustering Methods for
Multidimensional Range Queries,
Bongki Moon and Joel H. Saltz, to appear in IEEE
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
CS-TR-3590 and UMIACS-TR-96-5
- An Interprocedural Framework for Placement of
Asynchronous I/O, G. Agrawal,
A. Acharya, and J. Saltz, Proceedings of the ACM
SIGARCH International Conference on Supercomputing,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, pages 358-365, May 25-28,
- Tuning the Performance of I/O-Intensive Parallel
Applications, by A. Acharya, M.
Uysal, A. Sussman, J. Saltz, J. Hollingsworth, M. Beynon,
A. Mendelson, and R. Bennett, Proceedings of the
Fourth Annual Workshop on I/O in Parallel and Distributed
Systems, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 27, 1996.
- Study of Scalable Declustering Algorithms for
Parallel Grid Files, Bongki
Moon, Anurag Acharya and Joel Saltz, Proceedings of the
10th International Parallel Processing Symposium, pages
434-440, Honolulu, Hawaii, Apr. 1996. Extended version
available in CS-TR-3589 and UMIACS-TR-96-4.