Michael Beynon
Umit Catalyurek
Christian Hansen
Tahsin Kurc
Joel Saltz
Alan Sussman
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Dept. of Biomedical Informatics
Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210
{beynon,chansen,als}@cs.umd.edu {catalyurek.1,kurc.1,saltz.3}@osu.edu
September 23, 2002
This documentation is intended to describe the prototype implementation in sufficient detail to enable the reader to configure the DataCutter framework and develop a new application.
DataCutter has been compiled and tested on several platforms. Table 1 lists these platforms.
- which C++ compiler to use (e.g., for AIX, xlC_r
is the correct compiler)
- compiler args for using pthreads (e.g.,
- linker args for correct pthread libs (e.g.,
> gunzip DataCutter-2.1.tar.gz | tar -xvf - > cd DataCutter-2.1 > ./configure > gmake > gmake installThe configure step accepts various command line options. Several important examples are given here, however, for a full listing use
./configure --help
--enable-dird-host=<hostname> |
[default=$HOST] |
--enable-dird-port=<port> |
[default=6100] |
Once built, be sure that DataCutter-2.1/bin is in $PATH.
The first entity that must be running, is the directory daemon, which
provides a centralized repository of contact information. A provided
, is used to start the directory daemon as follows:
> boot_util dird startBy default, an Xterm is created, and dird is started on the configure specified host:port. If this step fails, it may be that dird was not found in your $PATH. Next, we need application daemons running on any host we may want to use for placement of application filters. This is accomplished as follows:
> boot_util appd start condor.cs.umd.edu candida.cs.umd.eduThis will also cause an Xterm to be created by default for each host running appd. Note that parallel machines with schedulers require care to start the required processes. See
for an example that works with
the PBS scheduler common on Linux clusters. At this point, the
supporting services (dird and appd) are in place, and we can execute a
DataCutter application. We choose the example-detach
application for illustration:
> ln -s ../DataCutter-2.1 ~/dc > cd ~/dc/example > ./example-detach 1 10 1This process becomes the "console process", and using the DataCutter API, creates instances of filters on the hosts running appd and sends work to them for processing. Output from the application then provides startup and status information similar to the following:
DataCutter Filter Service library v2.14 (01/10/2002) pid=9294, listening on schisto.cs.umd.edu:49649 example-detach: [placement] P=condor.cs.umd.edu F=condor.cs.umd.edu 2 F=candida.cs.umd.edu C=candida.cs.umd.edu 2 example-detach: 1 batches of 10 uow per batch, each appended to 1 instances app: wh=0 finished, ret=0 app: wh=1 finished, ret=0 app: wh=2 finished, ret=0 :Note: If two unique hosts are unavailable, try substituting the application
(no arguments) for example-detach
. However,
application specific configurations will be used if a file named
can be found in the current working directory. A
console configuration file begins with the line [console]
contains the following variables:
[console] # sizes of remote process filter queues sink_queue_size = 20; work_queue_size = 20;
RR | round robin per copy set (default) |
WRR | weight based on the number of copies per copy set |
DD | demand driven push flows based on acks |
The policy for individual streams can be set on a case by case basis in the placement file.
file. Note that only GDB is supported, and
DBX support can be set by editing the DataCutter source code and
changing a #define. The line "debug_extra_cmd" allows for
debugger-specific settings to be done before execution starts. In the
example below, a breakpoint is set. This mode of debugger support
assumes the current directory is a shared filesystem, and readable
from all remote processes, due to the creation of temporary files in
the current run directory for the debugger command input script.
[console] # enable remote process started in gdb/dbx debug_src_dir = ../example ../src ../src/lib debug_extra_cmd = b mutex.cpp:71There is limited support for just-in-time debugging (JITD). By default, DataCutter will install signal handlers for SIGKILL, SIGBUS, SIGSEGV, SIGFPE, and attempt to spawn GDB in an Xterm when an error is signalled. The Xterm implies all remote processes must be able to access the current X11 display, and have the appropriate $DISPLAY variable set in the appd on each remote node. Due to implementation details, when the JIT debugger Xterm window appears, choosing the continue command ('c' for GDB), will usually cause the offending statement to be reached.
. The
former requires two local processes per remote host. The latter
requires no local processes, but some debugging capability is lost
(such as starting all remote processes in GDB instead of using
JITD). Note that the use of the rov.tcl
viewer can be used to
monitor textual screen output from the appd and application
sub-processes when daemon mode is used. Daemon mode also introduces a
problem when dealing with X11 server access control, since no X11
tunnel exists to use.
Consider the following common scenario. Ssh with X11 tunnelling is
used to read a front end host of a parallel machine, called "front" in
this example. Ssh handles the details to create a X11 connection from
"front" to the user's actual workstation display. Assuming the user
has started their X11 server with Xauth access control, the correct
cookie is installed by ssh onto the "front" host. If we want to start
appd in daemon mode, and we want to be able to display X11 windows
from the backend nodes, the cookie installed by Ssh on "front" needs
to be transferred to the backend nodes, and the $DISPLAY set
accordingly to point to the ssh X11 tunnel on "front". Care is needed
to avoid cookie conflict when a single shared filesystem is used
across "front" and all the backend nodes. Given the non-negligible
overhead in adding the remote cookies in the required way,
supports this $DISPLAY transfer when starting appds.
The following configuration options control the remote X11 display:
# enable automatic handling of remote $DISPLAY, so remote # processes can open windows on the local user's screen. # (omit) - do nothing; ssh/user login will set everything # (this will not work with appds in daemon mode) # display - forward $DISPLAY to remote hosts # xauth - forward $DISPLAY; forward console xauth cookie remote_x11_display = xauth <remotehost>:DataCutter-2.1/etc/appd.cfg # foreward console process $DISPLAY setting (default = true) set_x11_display = trueTo run in daemon mode:
front> boot_util dird start
front> boot_util rov start
front> boot_util -noxterm appd start host1 host2...
(run applications)
front> boot_util dird start
front> boot_util appd start host1 host2...
(run applications)
[layout] [filter.P] outs = pf [filter.F] ins = pf outs = fc [filter.C] ins = fc
Note: when specifying placement either in a config file, or using the C++ API, be sure not to have multiple entries for the same <filter> and <host> pair. If more than one type of filer is needed on a host, use the copy syntax of the placement config file to indicate this.
[placement] f1 = host1 f1 = host1 f2 = host2Correct:
[placement] f1 = host1 2 f2 = host2
[placement] P = host1 1 F = host1 1 P = host2 1 F = host2 1 P = host3 1 F = host3 1 C = host4 1There are three copysets of filter F located on host1, host2 and host3. We may want to restrict the scope of which sink copysets are considered for writing. For example, we may want filter P on host1 to only send to the filter F copyset colocated on host1. To specify this, the ambiguity between the P's and F's needs to be resolved. The following enhanced syntax for placement cfg files addresses this need.
[placement] filter-name[:copy-set-id] = host [min-copies [max-copies]] : [stream-name = write source-re sink-re { <none> | policy [policy-args...]] } :Filter names can be appended with an optional copy-set-id to distinguish between multiple copysets. In addition, we can optionally add stream-name rules containing regular expressions for filter source and sink names, and specify the exact write policy to be used between them. Rules are examined in the order they appear until the *first* match for a filter (source, sink) pair. If no rules are present, there is an implied rule between all copysets using the default stream write policy specified in console.cfg, so existing placement.cfg files should work as before without modification. Note that a user-defined (UD) policy specified in the filter layout [stream.*] section, will override any of these rules or the console.cfg default policy. Using "<none>" for a policy stops the matching process to avoid matching with later rules that we do not want, and is shown in the first example below.
Restriction: Any single copyset can only use one write policy for sending, because it is undefined where a buffer should be sent if there is more than one write policy. By definition, a single write policy is used at a source to choose a copyset sink for sending. For writing, if a source filter was allowed to have one sink copyset that uses say RR and another sink copyset uses DD, then it is unclear how these two policies should be mixed to choose a destination. Therefore, it is disallowed, and rules that cause this situation will produce a warning message. For reading, there is not a similar problem, and the policies can be mixed on a source copyset basis. An example of this is a copyset on one host using a policy different from that of another copyset on another host, and both sending to a single sink copyset. For the above P-F-C example, assume the output of P on host1 and host2 is to be limited to the colocated copysets of F on host1 and host2 respectively, and the third copyset of P on host3 is free to write to any F copyset. A placement.cfg that supports this mode of operation could be written as:
[placement] P:1 = host1 1 F:1 = host1 1 P:2 = host2 1 F:2 = host2 1 P = host3 1 F = host3 1 C = host4 1 pf = write P:1 F:1 rr pf = write P:2 F:2 rr pf = write P:1|P:2 * <none> pf = write * * dd fc = write * * rrThe round robin (RR) policy is used, since there is no advantage to the ACKs, since every source filter has only one sink. The P copies on host1 will now only write to the colocated F copies, and the same is true on host2. All other copies of P will write to all other copies of F using DD. The "<none>" entry is used to avoid cases like P:1 or P:2 writing to the F filters on host3 using the DD policy.
This could have also been accomplished using the following alternative specification, but without using the "<none>" entry. Here we used a copyset name for *each* P copyset, and explicitly give the policy for each. This method works well if there are not many other P copysets. If there are many other P copysets, the previous solution is simpler.
[placement] P:1 = host1 1 F:1 = host1 1 P:2 = host2 1 F:2 = host2 1 P:3 = host3 1 F = host3 1 C = host4 1 pf = write P:1 F:1 rr pf = write P:2 F:2 rr pf = write P:3 * dd fc = write * * rr
). This simple application sorts sets of
random numbers using three filters: a "Producer" which generates the
random numbers, a "Sorter" which calls the C library's quicksort
function on these sets, and a "Consumer" which outputs the sorted sets
to a file specified by the user. This example only covers part of the
functionality of the DataCutter library. See the class header files
for a more complete description.
which must be referenced
#include <DataCutter.h>
and defining the three callback functions used for
filter initialization, data processing, and cleanup. A logical
description of interconnected filters is called a filter group. At run
time, an instance of a filter group is created which processes data in
units of work as determined by the main part of the application. When
a new unit of work arrives, calls to the
, process
, and finalize
functions are made in
succession. At run time, each filter group may contain more than one
transparent copy of any filter. These transparent copies execute
collectively in parallel to process work within the filter group
instance. Within a filter group instance, all the transparent copies
of a particular filter on a single host is called a copy set. Filters
communicate via streams which deliver buffer size objects per call.
is the unit of transfer for streams. This class
is simply a container for a chunk of contiguous memory, which can be
statically or dynamically allocated. These buffers have a maximum size
and keep track of how much of that maximum is occupied. Data that will
fit into the unused portion of the buffer can be appended. Extraction
occurs from the head of the buffer, maintaining a extraction pointer
for multiple extraction operations. An application can also just get a
pointer and length of the data in the buffer, and use it in place.
When finished with a buffer, the consume
method should be
called, which may free the space. Heap allocated memory is handled
correctly based on the constructor used. Generally avoiding static
objects with the use of consume
is advised,
unless setConsume(true)
is explicitly called.
is the definition of a particular processing job
or query. It is a container class for data objects DC_Buffer_t buf
which allows the parametrization of the work request to be
passed to the filter group, and int wWorkNum
, which allows the
unit to be distinguished from other simultaneous work requests. This
infomation is provided to each filter on initialization.
function is called when the filter is given a new unit
of work. It allows the filter to discover its location in terms of
its filter group and copy set, to determine the parameters of the work
request, and to set up any needed resources. The prototype for the
initialization function is:
DC_RTN_t init(initarg_t&)The argument of type
contains data items
char *sbFilterName
, which provides the name of the filter, and
DC_Work_t *pwork
, which gives the work description. Accessing
these items to retrieve the work description can be achieved in the
following fashion:
DC_RTN_t init(initarg &initarg) { char* outfile = initarg.pwork->buf.getPtr(); : return DC_RTN_OK; }The return type
can have three values:
, indicating that the processing for this unit of work
has finished and that it is ready for another unit,
, indicating an error occured with this unit of
work, but that the filter can continue processing, and
, indicating a critical error requiring the death of
the filter and ultimately the destruction of the entire filter group
instance (see Section 5.4).
For the example-sort.cpp
example, a unit of work is defined in
terms of the file name into which sorted numbers are written. Thus
only the Consumer class is concerned with the contents of this buffer,
which it uses for file creation. To summarize the ideas involved in
defining filters, creating buffers, and initializing a filter in the
context of this example, portions of the three filter class
definitions follow.
The Producer class must create a buffer in which it can store generated random numbers:
const int setElements = 10; class Producer: public DC_Filter_Base_t { int bufSize; DC_Buffer_t buf; DC_RTN_t init(initarg_t &initarg) { bufSize = setElements * sizeof(int); buf.New(bufSize); buf.setSize(bufSize); return DC_RTN_OK; }; :As the Sorter class has no special memory requirement and can use the buffer provided on reading from its input stream, its
function is simply:
class Sorter: public DC_Filter_Base_t { public: DC_RTN_t init(initarg_t &initarg) { return DC_RTN_OK; }; :For the Consumer class, an output file stream must created using the name passed through the work object:
class Consumer: public DC_Filter_Base_t { public: ofstream ofs; DC_RTN_t init(initarg_t &initarg) { char* outfile = initarg.pwork->buf.getPtr(); ofs.open(outfile); return DC_RTN_OK; }; :
has returned, the process
function is called.
This is the stage in which the actual "work" is performed on the
data. The prototype for the processing function is:
DC_RTN_t process(arg_t&)The argument of type
is derived from initarg_t
provides the previously mentioned data items in addition to handles
for the input and output streams. These are accessed by the arrays
and outs
which are of size nins
, respectively. The functions
and outsIndex
provide for stream name to index
translation. An input stream is of type DC_PipeInStream_t
and supports a
function, and an output stream is of type DC_PipeOutStream_t
and supports two write functions, write
and write_nocopy
The difference between write
and write_nocopy
is that
does a deep copy of the buffer object and memory region
as needed to allow the caller to modify the buffer immediately after
this call returns. For example, a colocated sink will cause the
buffer object and memory region to be duplicated and placed directly
in the consumer's queue. However, write_nocopy
uses the given
buffer. If colocated with the sink this will be deposited directly in
that queue. Use of stack allocated DC_Buffer_t
objects for
this call is not recommended due to undesirable results if the stack
frame is removed before the object is dequeued/used by a colocated
the Producer's task during the process
stage is to generate sets of random numbers and send them to the
Sorter filter:
DC_RTN_t process(arg_t &arg) { int *p; p = (int*)buf.getPtr(); // Get the stream index int outIndex = arg.outsIndex("P-S"); if (outIndex < 0) { cerr << arg.sbFilterName << ':' << DC_strerror(outIndex) << endl; return DC_RTN_ABRT; } // Create random number sets and write them to the stream srand((unsigned)p); for (int j = 0; j < numSets; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < setElements; ++i) { p[i] = rand() % 100; } if (arg.outs[outIndex].write(&buf) != DC_ERR_OK) { cerr << arg.sbFilterName << ": failed write to buffer " << buf << endl; } } // Indicate that this work cycle has ended return DC_RTN_OK; };For the Sorter class, its process stage reads in these sets one at a time, uses the C library's
routine to handle the actual
"work", and then forwards the result to the Consumer filter:
DC_RTN_t process(arg_t &arg) { DC_Buffer_t *pbuf; // Get the input stream index int inIndex = arg.insIndex("P-S"); if (inIndex < 0) { cerr << arg.sbFilterName << ':' << DC_strerror(inIndex) << endl; return DC_RTN_ABRT; } // Get the output stream index int outIndex = arg.outsIndex("S-C"); if (outIndex < 0) { cerr << arg.sbFilterName << ':' << DC_strerror(outIndex) << endl; return DC_RTN_ABRT; } // Read, sort, and write out the number sets while ((pbuf = arg.ins[inIndex].read())) { qsort(pbuf->getPtr(), pbuf->getSize() / sizeof(int), sizeof(int), intcompare); if (arg.outs[outIndex].write(pbuf) != DC_ERR_OK) { cout << arg.sbFilterName << ": failed write on buffer " << pbuf << endl; } pbuf->consume(); } return DC_RTN_OK; };Finally, the Consumer class during this stage must simply write out the received sets to a file opened during initialization:
DC_RTN_t process(arg_t &arg) { DC_Buffer_t *pbuf; // Get the input stream index int inIndex = arg.insIndex("S-C"); if (inIndex < 0) { cerr << arg.sbFilterName << ':' << DC_strerror(inIndex) << endl; return DC_RTN_ABRT; } // Read and output the sorted sets to a file while ((pbuf = arg.ins[inIndex].read())) { int *p = (int*)pbuf->getPtr(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pbuf->getSize() / sizeof(int); ++i) { ofs << p[i] << ' '; } ofs << endl; pbuf->consume(); } return DC_RTN_OK; };
function has returned, the finalize
function is called. This stage of the filter can be used for freeing
allocated memory, closing file streams, or any other type of clean up
required. The prototype for the finalization function is:
DC_RTN_t finalize(void)For both the Producer and Sorter filters in
there is nothing to be done during this stage, so the function just
DC_RTN_t finalize(void) { return DC_RTN_OK; };In the case of the Consumer filter, the filehandle created during initialization needs to be closed:
DC_RTN_t finalize(void) { ofs.close(); return DC_RTN_OK; };
DC_Filter_Base_t *filter_factory(char *)The run time system is initialized by creating an instance of the
class and calling its init
function. Since
this application will run on each host running filters, it must then be
determined whether or not this particular instance is the console process with a
call isRemoteProcess
, and if such is the case, the process prepares
itself to run filter code by calling RemoteProcess
, three filters are defined, Producer,
Sorter, and Consumer, which will later be refered to as "P", "S", and
"C" in the application configuration. For the run-time system to be
able to generate these filters when needed, the following function is
DC_Filter_Base_t *filter_factory(char *sbFilterName) { if (strcmp(sbFilterName, "P") == 0) { return new Producer; } else if (strcmp(sbFilterName, "S") == 0) { return new Sorter; } else if (strcmp(sbFilterName, "C") == 0) { return new Consumer; } else { cerr << "app: unknown filter \"" << sbFilterName << "\" to create" << endl; } return NULL; }Once defined, initialization of the run-time system can occur and the process can check whether or not it was started remotely:
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { DC_FilterService_t DC; if (DC.init("example-sort", &filter_factory, &argc, &argv)) { exit(1); } // Check whether this process is a remote copy for running filter instances if (DC.isRemoteProcess()) { // Run any filter instances as directed by console process DC.RemoteProcess(); return 0; }The task of the console process is to then:
for work unit definition
and an object is created by:
DC_Work_t work;An object of type
contains the member
function Add
which allows one to specify the logical
connections between filters and streams. These are decided by giving
the filter name, the input stream name, and the output stream name.
When there is no input or output for a particular filter, NULL
can be given as the stream name. Multiple inputs or outputs can be
specified with a space separated list of filters. The program
uses a single connection from Producer to
Sorter and from Sorter to Consumer, so the layout is as follows:
DC_FilterLayout_t layout; layout.Add("P", NULL, "P-S"); layout.Add("S", "P-S", "S-C"); layout.Add("C", "S-C", NULL);Alternatively, it is also possible to read this information from a configuration file in the format specified in Section 4.2 with:
layout.ReadFile("layout.cfg");Filter placement is handled using a
with calls
to its Add
function, providing it the filter name and the
hostname. The string "<one_per_node>" allows for a filter to be
placed on any one of the nodes running appd. This placement was
chosen for example-sort.cpp
DC_Placement_t placement; if (DC.PlacementPlanning(layout, work, placement) != 0) { // Choose our own placement instead placement.Add("P", "<one_per_node>"); placement.Add("S", "<one_per_node>"); placement.Add("C", "<one_per_node>"); }
and it is created
with a call to the NewFilterInstance
function of the
. By writing to the buffer contained within
the previously created work object, it then possible to define a unit
of work and send it to the filter group for processing. Sending work
to a filter group is accomplished using the AppendWork
of the DC_FilterInstance_t
Before assigning additional work to one or more filters, the
application can wait for the completion of the of a particular unit of
work via the WaitWork
call or wait for the completion of any
unit of work using WaitAnyWork
. Negative return values from
these two functions indicate an error, two of which correspond to
values returned by the filters themselves. A filter which returns
will cause Wait(Any)Work
to return DC_ERR_WorkFail
the interpretation of which is application specific. It is the
responsibility of the filter designer to indicate whether or not
part or all of the results for the unit of work should be discarded
and whether or not that particular unit can be retried. The meaning
of a filter which returns DC_RTN_ABRT
, however, is unambigious. This
will result in the destruction of the filter, the closing of its input
and output streams, and the return of DC_ERR_InstanceFail
. In this situation, the filter group instance is
corrupt and will need to be shut down with a call to StopFilterInstance
The application example-sort.cpp
uses only a single filter
instance and assigns work to this instance work based on the file
names provided at the command line.
// Get a filter instance (existing or new) for executing work int status; DC_FilterInstance_t* instance; if ((status = DC.NewFilterInstance(layout, work, placement, instance)) != DC_ERR_OK) { cerr << "failed GetFilterInstance: " << DC_strerror(status) << endl; } // Append work to instance int wh; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { work.buf.Empty(); work.buf.Append(argv[i], strlen(argv[i]) + 1); if ((wh = instance->AppendWork(work)) < 0) { cerr << "failed AppendWork: " << DC_strerror(wh) << endl; } status = DC.WaitWork(wh); if (status == DC_ERR_InstanceFail) { cerr << "failed WaitWork: " << DC_strerror(status) << endl; break; } cout << "finsihed writing to " << argv[i] << endl; } if ((status = DC.StopFilterInstance(instance)) != DC_ERR_OK) { cerr << "failed StopFilterInstance: " << DC_strerror(status) << endl; }
. The following set of commands will compile example-sort.cpp
found in the dc/example
directory for Linux (other systems may have additional
library requirements):
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I../include -DDEBUGGER_USE_GDB -DLINUX -c -o example-sort.o example-sort.cpp g++ -DDEBUGGER_USE_GDB -DLINUX -L../lib -o example-sort example-sort.o -lDC -lnsl -lpthread -lm
, found in the dc.jfilters
package, and implementing the three callback functions. However, due
to a naming conflict these functions have been renamed
, process
, and finish_work
. An outline of a filter
definition in Java follows:
import dc.jfilters.*; public class DC_Filter_Test extends DC_Filter_Base_t { public DC_Filter_Test() { super(); } public int start_work(initarg_t arg) { : } public int process(arg_t arg) { : } public int finish_work() { : } }It is possible to use Java filters alone or in combination with C++ filters. In both cases, instantiation of Java filters requires the use of a modified
, which creates the Java
Virtual Machine needed to access the filter functions. The class
is specified in the header file
dir.db |
Listing of running appds that allows reconnection when dird fails |
-port <port> |
Override the compiled-in default for the dird port |
-init-ack <host:port> |
Request acknowledgement of a successful starup |
-restore-state |
Read in dir.db to re-establish communication with running appds |
appd.cfg |
Specify pattern matching rules for executable name translation on various hosts |
-daemon |
Run as a daemon and send output to $TMPDIR or /tmp |
-outputhandler <host:port> |
Use a socket for output instead of stdout |
-host <host> |
Override host name if gethostname doesn't work |
-exit |
Exit appd after running a single filter application |
-nokillchild |
Don't kill appd child processes on exit |
-dird-host <host> |
Override compiled default for the dird host |
-dird-port <port> |
Override compiled default for the dird port |
-init-ack <host:port> |
Request acknowledgement of a successful startup |
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