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DirectSimulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) Publications

  • Adaptive Runtime Support for Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Methods on Distributed Memory Architectures

    Published in: Proceedings of the Scalable High Performance Computing Conference 1994

    pg: 176-183, May 1994

    Bongki Moon, Joel Saltz.

  • Parallel Monte Carlo Simulation of Three-Dimensional Flow over a Flat Plate

    R. P. Nance, R. G. Wilmouth, B. Moon, H. A. Hassan, J. Saltz

    July 1995

    Published in: AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer

    Vol. 9, no. 3, pg: 471-477

    University of Maryland Technical Report: CR-TR-3425 and UMIACS-TR-95-25

  • Index Translation Schemes for Adaptive Computations on Distributed Memory Multicomputers

    Published in: Proceedings of the Ninth International Parallel Processing Symposium pg: 812-819, April 1995

    B. Moon, M. Uysal, J. Saltz

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