Title: A Uniform Framework For Integrating Knowledge In Heterogeneous Knowledge Systems
Authors: Sibel Adali and Ross Emery.
Integrating knowledge from multiple sources is an important aspect of automated reasoning systems. Wiederhold and his colleagues have proposed the concept of a mediator -- a device that will express how such an integration is to be achieved. In previous work, Subrahmanian et al. presented a uniform declarative and operational framework for mediators for amalgamating multiple knowledge bases and data structures (e.g. relational, object-oriented, spatial, and temporal structures) when these knowledge bases (possibly) contain inconsistencies, uncertainties, and non-monotonic modes of negation. In this paper, we specify the programming environment for this framework and show that it can be used to extract and integrate information obtained from different sources of data and resolve conflicts. We will also show that it can be extended easily to integrate new knowledge bases.
Keywords: Incomplete Imprecise or Uncertain Information, Heterogeneous Systems and Interoperability
The paper is going to appear in the Proceedings of the Eleventh IEEE International Conference of Data Engineering (March 1995). A postcript copy of the paper can be found here .