Title: Multimedia Authoring Systems
Authors: K.S. Candan, Ross Cutler.
In this paper we have surveyed three multimedia authoring systems (Multimedia Toolbook 3.0, Director 4.0, and Authorware 3.0). Each system uses a different metaphor (book, movie, and icon-based flowchart) for creating multimedia applications. A sample application is developed in each MAS and the effects of the corresponding metaphors are compared. Technologies like ODBC, OLE, DDE, DLL, and MCI are discussed and we have shown how MAS's can benefit from them. We have also discussed the limitations of the current systems, and where the research in this area is headed.
This paper appeared as a chapter in the book Multimedia Database Systems published by Springer-Verlag. The postscript version (7M) of this paper is available.