Title: HERMES: Theory of Generealized Annotated Logic Programmimg and its Applications
Authors: Michael Kifer, V.S. Subrahmanian.
Annotate logics were introduced in [43] and later studied in [5,7,31,32]. In [31], annotations were extended to allow variables and functions, and it was argued that such logics can be used to provide a formal semantics for rule-based expert systems with uncertainity. In this paper we continue to investigate the power of this approach. First, we introdice a new semantics for such programs based on ideals of lattices. Subsequently, some proposals for multivalued logic programming [5,7,32,47,40,18] as well as some formalisms for temporal reasoning [1,3,42] are shown to fit into this framework. As an interesting by-product of this investigation we obtain a new result concerning multivalued logic programming: a model theory for Fitting's bilattice-based logic programming, which until now has not been characterized model-theoratically. this is accompagnied by a corresponding proof theory.