An overview of the HERMES Project
HERMES is a system for semantically integrating different and possibly
information sources and reasoning systems. This is accomplished
by executing programs, called mediators,
written in the HERMES system.
Mediators, first proposed by Wiederhold, are guidelines of how
information from different sources will be combined and integrated.
HERMES system is based on the theory of Hybrid Knowledge Bases, due
to Lu, Nerode and Subrahmanian. In this framework, external information
sources are abstracted as domains which execute certain functions
with pre-specified input and output type. These domains are
accessed in mediators using a logic-based declarative language.
This language is based on Annotated Logics, due to Kifer and
Subrahmanian, and it provides a powerfull and extensible programming
environment. The system also provides a uniform environment for
the easy addition of new external sources to existing mediators.
The system currently runs on
Sun Sparc stations (under Unix), as well as on the IBM-PC platform
under DOS/Windows 3.1. A graphical user interface has been built on
both platforms.
HERMES - The Complete Architecture
- This is the HTML version of a paper which has recently been
submitted for publication. It contains the complete description of the
architecture and the current status of the project.
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