Features added since the release of the last beta-version on
February 11, 2003 (last updated April 14, 2003)
- The DATE attributes are now handled as dates and not as strings. They can be binned and
ordered (similar to numerical attributes) while creating hierarchies, and in the
legend options.
NOTE:Make sure the format for entering date values is MM/dd/yyyy.
For more information, go to Create your own data file.
- Treemap now supports the keyboard navigation. The following keyboard shortcuts are added.
- The mnemonics for all the menu options are added. The mnemonic for option is underlined.
For example, for file menu, alt+f will
make the file menu selected, then 'o' for file open, 'd' directory mapping etc.
- The keyboard shortcuts are displayed on the menus.
- Some of the shortcuts that are not displayed are:
--> "Esc" - zooming in the tree
--> "Enter" - Zooming out the tree for the selected node
--> "F1" - help, will give the quick reference for the treemap documentation.
--> "Up Arrow" - highlights the parent node for the selected node.
- Instead of using concurrent programming technique to monitor memory usage at runtime
(which has a negative effect on Treemap performance),
whenever Java's Out of Memory Error occurs, appropriate messages are written to an external file
(see LOGFILE.TXT) that describes briefly the type of error and the approximate location where
TreemapProgram failed to proceed.
- Better way to handle java outofmemory error when we map a large directory or file. A new
progress bar showing three steps while mapping directories is included.
- A "weighted average" option is added in the aggregation. Weighted average uses the size attribute
to weigh the average calculation.
- The filtering while lower levels of the tree are aggregated has been fixed.