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Agenda for
Electronic Health Record Informatics Workshop
28 th Human-Computer Interaction Lab Symposium
University of Maryland
Thursday May 26, 2011


Below is the workshop schedule. Some changes are anticipated as we finalize more information.
Click here to return to main Electronic Health Record Informatics Workshop page.

8.15am Registration
9am Posters & Demos with Breakfast
10.30am Welcome and Greeting Catherine Plaisant, Associate Director of Research, HCIL, University of Maryland
Sureyya Tarkan, Ph.D. Student, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland
10.45am Introduction Ben Shneiderman, Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland
Session 1: Large Datasets & Visualization Chair: Catherine Plaisant
11am Visual Representation of Exposure Patterns in Drug Safety Research [slides1, slides2] Sigfried Gold (M.A., M.F.A.), Colonel Trinka Coster (M.D., M.S.), Suji Xie (M.S.), Tamra Meyer (Ph.D., M.P.H.), Rose Thelus (Ph.D., M.P.H.) and Lockwood Taylor (Ph.D., M.P.H.), Oracle Corporation & U.S. Army Office of the Surgeon General Pharmacovigilance Center
11.20am Complex, Personalized Cancer Clinical Decision Support Utilizing Aggregated Clinical and Biological Information [slides] Craig Nichols, M.D., Director Testicular Cancer Consortium
11.40am Visualising Words: Uncovering Hidden Information in Large UK Primary Care Databases [slides] Rosemary Tate, Brighton and Sussex Medical School & School of Informatics, University of Sussex, Brighton
12pm Lunch
Session 2: Usability & Evaluations Chair: Sureyya Tarkan
1pm Recognition Of Wrong Patient Errors In A Simulated Computerized Provider Order Entry System [slides] A. Zach Hettinger, M.D., M.S., National Center for Human Factors Engineering in Healthcare, MedStar Institute for Innovation & Department of Emergency Medicine, Washington Hospital Center
1.20pm Usability Evaluation of Electronic Health Records -- Where We Are; Where We Need to Be [slides] Dick Horst, Ph.D., Dana Douglas, M.S., and Mark Becker, M.A., UserWorks, Inc.
1.40pm NIST and AHRQ - EHR Usability Roadmaps [slides] Matt Quinn, NIST
2pm Alerts and Reminders: Is This All There is to Clinical Decision Support? [slides] Anne Miller, Ph.D., Janos Mathe, Andras Nadas, Michael Hooper, Lisa Weavind, Center for Research and Innovation in Systems Safety; Department of Anesthesiology; Institute for Software Integrated Systems; School of Nursing, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
2.20pm Break
Session 3: Applications & Frameworks Chair: Catherine Plaisant
2.40pm A Framework for Developing Systematic Yet Flexible Systems [slides] Eliz Markowitz, M.S. & Todd R. Johnson, Ph.D.
3pm Open Source mHealth Solution based on Drupal 7 [slides] Sanjay Patel, M.S. & Adam Hammouda, WebFirst, Inc.
3.20pm Semantic-Web based Annotation and Reasoning for Temporal Information in Clinical Narratives [slides] Cui Tao, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
3.40pm An Application to Provide Views of the Electronic Health Record to Cardiology Patients [slides] Lauren Wilcox (M.S.) & Steven Feiner (Ph.D.), Department of Computer Science, Columbia University;
David Vawdrey (Ph.D), Department of Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University
4pm Discussion & Future Steps
4.40pm Closing

This schedule is for Electronic Health Record Informatics Workshop.