The Free Access License allows you to use Pad++ at no cost. You can obtain Pad++ free of charge via the Internet. Even though you are given free access to Pad++, Pad++ is not free or public domain software. You must agree to the terms and conditions of the Pad++ Free Access License and Pad++ Copyright explained in the file "LicenseTerms." Our goal is to share the the Pad++ System for noncommercial use but maintain rights for the Pad++ Consortium for possible future commercial applications.
As a Free Access Licensee, you have the right to use the Pad++ System as long as it is not combined with any other product or service in any way. You may modify the existing Pad++ System (derivative works) but only for internal use. These derivative works, modifications, or systems that require the Pad++ System may not be distributed outside your organization until you negotiate a Distribution License with the Pad++ Consortium. We do encourage you to share your modifications and suggestions for modifications with the Pad++ Consortium. Any modifications incorporated will continue to be shared as free access software by the Pad++ Consortium.
As a Free Access Licensee, you have the right to distribute the Pad++ System using electronic media as long as you make no modifications to it, you do not assign any price or value to the distribution, you do not combine the distribution with any other product or service in any way, and you distribute the same version of the Pad++ System that is currently being distributed via the Internet by the Pad++ Consortium.