Pad++ Reference Manual
Padwish Synopsis
padwish [options] [arg arg ...]
Valid options are:
-colormap colormap
- Specifies the colormap that padwish should use. If colormap is "new", then a private colormap is allocated for padwish, so images will look nicer (although on some systems you get a distracting flash when you move the pointer in and out of a PadDraw window and the global colormap is updated).
-display display
- Display (and screen) on which to display window.
-geometry geometry
- Initial geometry to use for window.
- Print a summary of the command-line options and exit.
- Specifies what scripting language the top-level interpreter should use. Pad++ always supports Tcl, but can be compiled to use the Elk version of Scheme also. In addition, Pad++ provides a mechanism to support other interpreted scripting languages as well. Defaults to 'tcl'.
-name name
- Use name as the title to be displayed in the window, and as the name of the interpreter for send commands.
- Force all images to be loaded without RGB data. This means that images will be stored with one byte per pixel instead of the normal 5 bytes per pixel. As a result, images will not be able to be dithered.
- Specifies if Pad++ should try and use X shared memory. Some machines (notably a particular Solaris 5.4 machine) crashes and the X server dies when Pad++ is used with shared memory, so it can be disabled if there is trouble. Defaults to 1 (true).
- Execute all X server commands synchronously, so that errors are reported immediately. This will result in much slower execution, but it is useful for debugging.
-visual visual
- Specifies the visual type that padwish should use. The valid visuals depend on the X server you are running on. Some common useful ones are "truecolor 24" and "truecolor 12", which specify 24 bit and 12 bit mode, respectively.
- Pass all remaining arguments through to the script's argv variable without interpreting them. This provides a mechanism for passing arguments such as -name to a script instead of having padwish interpret them.
Pad++ Reference Manual - 20 JUN 1997
Copyright Computer Science Department, The University of New Mexico
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