Overview of Item Types
pathName create line [x1 y1... xn yn [option value option value ...]]The arguments x1 through yn give the coordinates for a series of two or more points that describe a series of connected line segments. After the coordinates there may be any number of option-value pairs, each of which sets one of the configuration options for the item. These same option-value pairs may be used in itemconfigure widget commands to change the item's configuration. If a line is created without any points, it will not be rendered until some points are added with the
command. The following options are supported for lines:
[7] Whether to draw arrow heads with this item
-arrowshape [8]
The shape of drawn arrow heads
-capstyle [12]
Specifies how to draw line ends
-joinstyle [32]
Specifies how to draw the joints within multi-point lines
[42] Specifies parameters to render item with noise
[45] Specifies pen color of item
[46] Specifies width of pen
Copyright Computer Science Department, The University of New Mexico