Pad++ Programmer's Guide
Running PadDraw in this fashion does not give access to the Tcl interpreter. This is because the "paddraw" program is actually a shell script that runs the Pad++ executable (which is named "padwish"), and then loads the Tcl files to run PadDraw. To access the Tcl interpreter, you must set a few environment variables, and then run padwish. This can be done automatically by running the "pad" script.
The environment variables to set are TCL_LIBRARY
(which point to the Tcl/Tk run-time libraries), and PADHOME
(which points to the Pad++ run-time library and the PadDraw application). Looking at the "pad" script will show you what to set these environment variables to.
Once you've run padwish, the Pad++ windowing shell, you can start writing your own applications, or you can run PadDraw by typing in the interpreter:
source $env(PADHOME)/draw/pad.tcl
Copyright Computer Science Department, The University of New Mexico