Pad++ Programmer's Guide
Pad++ is being developed by a DARPA funded consortium led by Jim Hollan at the University of New Mexico in collaboration with New York University.
The development group is being led by Ben Bederson (UNM), and consists of people at UNM: Jim Hollan, Allison Druin, Ron Hightower, Mohamad Ijadi, Jason Stewart, David Thompson, Ying Zhao, and people at NYU: Ken Perlin, Jon Meyer and Duane Whitehurst.
In addition, other people that have been involved with the Pad++ project include: David Bacon, Duco Das, David Fox, David Vick, Eric De Mund, David Rogers, Mark Rosenstein, Larry Stead, and Kent Wittenburg.
We also especially appreciate Paul Haeberli (of SGI) who gave us code to read and render Adobe Type 1 fonts.
Pad++ is supported in part by DARPA contract #N66001-94-C-6039.
Copyright Computer Science Department, The University of New Mexico