InfoVis 2004 Contest



Announced August 2nd, 2004

Copies of the materials WILL be posted on the InfoVis Repository before October 10, 2004



Three “First Place” and one “Student 1st place”


Major Information Visualization Authors, Papers and Topics in the ACM Library

Weimao Ke, Katy Börner and Lalitha Viswanath, Indiana University


IN-SPIRE InfoVis 2004 Contest Entry

Pak Chung Wong, Beth Hetzler, Christian Posse, Mark Whiting, Sue Havre, Nick Cramer, Anuj Shah, Mudita Singhal, Alan Turner, Jim Thomas, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Understanding Eight Years of InfoVis Conferences using PaperLens

Bongshin Lee, University of Maryland, Mary Czerwinski, Microsoft Research, George Robertson, Microsoft Research, Benjamin B. Bederson, University of Maryland


WilmaScope Graph Visualisation   (Student 1st Place)

Adel Ahmed, Tim Dwyer, Colin Murray, Le Song, Ying Xin Wu, University of Sydney, Australia



Eight “Second Place”


Case Study : Visualizing Visualization

Frank van Ham, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven


Exploring and Visualizing the History of InfoVis

Daniel A. Keim, Christian Panse, Mike Sips,  Joern Schneidewind, Helmut Barro

University of Konstanz



Jaroslav Tyman, Grant P. Gruetzmacher,  John Stasko, Georgia Institute of Technology


An Associative Information Visualizer

Xia Lin, Jan Buzydlowski, Howard D. White, Drexel University


MonkEllipse: Visualizing the History of Information Visualization

Tzu-Wei Hsu, Lee Inman Farabaugh, Dave McColgin, Kevin Stamper, Georgia Institute of Technology


Exploring InfoVis Publication History with Tulip

Maylis Delest, Université de Bordeaux I, Tamara Munzner, University of British Columbia,  David Auber and Jean-Philippe Domenger, LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux I 


Information Visualization Research: A Citation and Co-Citation Perspective

Chaomei Chen, Drexel University


One For All

Soon Tee Teoh and Kwan-Liu Ma, University of California, Davis



Did not place but were invited to present in InfovisFun Exhibit


CiteWiz: A Citation Network Visualizer

Niklas Elmqvist, Philippas Tsigas, Chalmers University of Technology


Paper Growth Patterns

Jesse Kriss, Carnegie Mellon University


ThemeExplorer: A Tool for Understanding the History of the Field of Information Visualization

Urs Bischoff, Nicholas Diakopoulos, Felix Loesch, Ying Zhou,  Georgia Institute of Technology

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