Operators of highway management centers provide round the clock monitoring
of highway traffic, traveller information, incident management, and traffic
management. Safety critical decisions are made by gathering information
from a heteregenous systems providing radio communications, weather predictions,
sensor and video data, etc. We are exploring how advanced user interfaces
and information visualization can improve operators' situation awareness
and decision making ability in routine and emergency situations.
We are providing user interface design and evaluation guidance
to the State of Maryland State Highway Admistration during their redesign
of CHART, the state highway
management information system.
One of our research focus has been the design and development of a simulation-based
learning environment aimed at providing students and operators a better
understanding of the effect of incidents on highway and arterial delays.
We used an development environment called SimPLE
developed by our colleagues at the University of Maryland.
Another exploration is the comparisons of the ways to present realtime traffic information on public websites.
Plaisant, Assistant Research Scientist
Ben Shneiderman,
Professor Computer Science
Phil Tarnoff,
Senior Research Engineer, Civil Engineering
Phani Bhamidipati, Graduate Research Assistant (ISR)
Past members: Sumeet Keswani, Graduate
Research Assistant
Aditya Saraf, Graduate Research Assistant
Online Motorist Information Services - Working
Document on User Requirements Study in Transportation Systems (by students Sumeet Keswani
and Phani Bhamidipati - Fall 99)
CHART (Chesapeake Highways Advisories
Routing Traffic) - for Maryland Highways
Montgomery County (MD) ATMS for County
Arterial traffic info, camera stillviews, bus schedules, roadwork, incident
for the Washington DC area
Bus/metro/walk routes finder
for DC area. VDOT (Virginia Dept of Transportation)
see the winter traffic maps (best when it snows!)
NAVIGATOR (Georgia's
ITS site) for travel times and live traffic maps with camera feeds, incident,
VMS and construction updates
VA Hampton
Roads - Live cameras.
Paris France traffic maps (why
not...)You can zoom on roads. Notice the estimated travel times
ITS and ITS America society Clearinghouse
of info on Transportation. Organizes main ITS conference.