Thursday June 17th, 1999
a Workshop preceeding the
16th Annual HCIL Symposium & Open House
Organized by Catherine Plaisant and Maya Venkatraman
Sponsored by HCIL, NASA ESDIS and the ESIP federation
The workshop aims to equip participants with the tools necessary for building query preview interfaces. The software and data fornat from Query Preview interfaces will be fully described. Workshop activities and presentations will enable attendees to learn using the existing code and design interfaces for their own data.
Want to participate??
To register, 1) contact Catherine or Maya so we can "authorize" your registration, 2) wait for confirmation, 3) register using the Symposium and Open House Registration form.
We will limit the number of participants to about a maximum of 15.
This technique will scale up to any
number of records and multivalued attribute data by limiting the
number of simultaneous attributes and using range queries only.
(Operational Prototype at Raytheon STX )
Needs Netscape 4.06 / IE 4.0 PCs;
and Netscape 4.5 on Unix
- Special link for Mac Users using IE 4.5
A simpler technique that provides only coverage, but not counts. Try selecting a single month and see what happens in this apparently global dataset. This technique scales up to any number of records and multivalued attribute data.
Binary previews are also used in the soon-to-be-released GLCF (i.e. the Maryland ESIP) search and retrieve applet.
Details | |
Morning Session I |
Introduction to Query Previews |
Speaker: Catherine Plaisant , HCIL |
Morning Session II |
Demonstration of Query Preview Interfaces | Everyone gains a first hand experience of working with the query preview interfaces | |
Morning Session III |
Operational Experiences at NASA: |
Speakers: Jean Major or Steve Gokey - GCMD Bob Harberts and Wenlan Feng - Raytheon STX |
Other possible topics | Additional demos |
Other prototypes: 1) Use of binary previews in UMd ESIP (the Global Land Cover Facility), 2) Browsing search results with dynamic query starfield displays (new Java applet) Egemin Tanin will demostrate a Query Preview Calculator that helps determine the Query Preview Technique that is best suited to a given dataset |
Afternoon Session I | Designing Query Previews | Workshop participants will form small groups that will chose data sets that can benefit from the previews and design QP interfaces for their dataset. Groups will decide which QP interface fits the dataset best, select inputs and outputs and model the metadata pipelines. Groups will design their own QP interface paper mockups, using the widgets from the existing products. At the end of the design session each group will present their solutions and discussions will be held. | |
Afternoon Session II | Conclusions | Workshop organizers collect feedback and suggestions for future research from participants |
Sponsors and Partners
Last update: April 29, 1999