InfoVis 2004 Contest
IN-SPIRE InfoVis 2004 Contest Entry

Contest webpage:

Authors and Affiliations:


TASK 1: Static Overview of 10 Years of InfoVis

TASK 2: Characterize the Research Areas and Their Evolution

TASK 3: The People in InfoVis

Task 3.1: Where does a particular author/researcher fit within the research areas defined in task 2?

Task 3.2: What, if any, are the relationships between two or more or all researchers?

Task 3.3: Scope of a researcher influence


This work was sponsored by the National Visual Analytics Center (NVAC) located at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, WA. Special thanks go to Kris Cook, Lee Ann Dudney, Sharon Eaton, Harlan Foote, Jeffery Lettau, Sara Perez, Ken Perrine, and Wanda Mar who provided assistance of many forms throughout this contest effort. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is managed for the U.S. Department of Energy by Battelle Memorial Institute under Contract DE-AC06-76RL1830.

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