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Visualization and PairWise Comparison of Trees (InfoVis 2003 Contest)



TreeJuxtaposer (First place: Overall)
James Slack, Tamara Munzner, University of British Columbia and François Guimbretière 
University of Maryland
          Two-Pages Summary
          Standard Form
Zoomology: Comparing Two Large Hierarchical Trees (First place: Student)
Jin Young Hong, Jonathan D'Andries, Mark Richman, Maryann Westfall
Georgia Institute of Technology
          Two-Pages Summary
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Visualization of Trees as Highly Compressed Tables with InfoZoom (First place: Originality)
Michael Spenke, Christian Beilken
          Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology       
          Two-Pages Summary
Standard Form
          Publication About InfoZoom
Video From Michael Spenke Talk About InfoZoom
EVAT - Environment for Visualization and Analysis of Trees (2nd Place)
David Auber, Maylis Delest, Jean-Philippe Domenger, Pascal Ferraro, Robert Strandh
Université Bordeaux 1
          Two-Pages Summary
Standard Form
Comparison of Multiple Taxonomic Hierarchies Using TaxoNote (2nd Place)
David R. Morse, The Open University, Nozomi Ytow, University of Tsukuba, David McL. Roberts, The Natural History Museum, Akira Sato, University of Tsukuba
          Two Pages Summary
Standard Form
Treemap, Radial Tree, and 3D Tree Visualizations (2nd Place)
Nihar Sheth, Katy Börner, Jason Baumgartner, Ketan Mane, Eric Wernert
Indiana University
          Two Pages Summary
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