Please note: the Autonomous Mobile Robotics Laboratory, and associated projects, are no longer in existence. This page last updated in 2003. This site remains for archival purposes only.
Welcome to the Autonomous Mobile Robotics Lab
Traditional Robotics at the AMRL: Intelligent Control
of Goal-Based Robotics and Motion Planning
Maryland Robot Wins Japanese Competition!
has taken first place in a Japanese Robotics competition, beating over
110 Japanese competitors. Lancelot is a small autonomous robot built by
a team of undergraduates under the guidance of AMRL's laboratory director,
Dr. Julio K. Rosenblatt,
and mechanical engineering professor Dr.
Gregory Walsh.
Details of the victory can be found in the August
6, 1997 Washington Post and in an article from IEEE Intelligent Systems*,
Jan/Feb 1998: Jousting in Japan (pdf)
by Julio Rosenblatt.
Congratulations to Julio and Greg!
*Personal use of this material is permitted. However,
permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional
purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution
to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work
in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
AMRL Robots and Projects
IS Robotics R2e |
Scratchy |
Homebuilt |
RWI B-14 |
Homebuilt Hovercraft |
R2e, IS-Robotics: Robot Vacuuming
Airborne Imaging Robotic System (AIRS), homebuilt: Frictionless Navigation
Object Tracking System, running on SCAMP, SSL-built
A sonar
ring for the 6.270 board
Path Planning
and Obstacle Avoidance with Nonholonomic Robots
Navigation and Exploration - Spiro,
an upgraded RWI B-14 base, is used for a number of lab experiments.
A Distributed Architecture for Mobile Navigation
For further information consult the postscript
description of the projects in the AMRL.

Other Robotics Activities
The Autonomous Mobile Robotics Lab also helps to run Educational
Activities in Robotics held at the University
of Maryland at College Park.
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