Improving Software Maintenance Processes

Characterize, evaluate, and improve software maintenance processes and software maintenance organizations. Our research has focused on software mainteance in the NASA SEL environment.
- An auditing methodology specifically aimed at analyzing software maintenance processes and organizations was developed and experimentally validated [ICSM94, JSM].
- A software maintenance organization modeling technique based on the actor-dependency model was proposed. This technique allows us to capture numerous kinds of constraints and dependencies frequently encountered in complex software maintenance organizations. This technique proved also to be intuitive and to facilitate communication with the maintenance staff of the studied organization [ICSE17].
- A measurement program specifically aimed at maintenance has been introduced in the NASA SEL software maintenance organization. Based on the data collected, release productivity models have been built [CS-TR-3502].
Future Work
Experience Factory for Maintenance.
Provide cost, resource and effort maintenance models based on the data we have been collecting using SEL's recently installed software maintenance measurement program.
Information flow analysis
Provide an analysis of information flow and how it is affected by the maintenance organizational structure, including identification of specific improvements to the organization and process to facilitate information flow.
- Victor Basili
- Yong-Mi Kim
- Carolyn Seaman
- Walcélio Melo
- Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering
- Lionel Briand
- Computer Sciences Corporation
- Steven Condon
- [JSM] " Q-MOPP: Qualitative evaluation of Maintenance Organizations, Processes, and Products." Lionel Briand, Yong-Mi Kim, Walcélio Melo, Carolyn Seaman, and Victor Basili. Journal of Software Maintenance, forthcoming in 1998.
- [ICSE17] "Characterizing and assessing a large-scale software maintenance organizations." L. Briand, W. Melo, C. Seaman, and V. Basili, In Proc. of the 17th Int'l Conf. on Software Engineering, Seattle, WA, April 24-28, 1995.
- [CS-TR-3502] "Understanding and Predicting the Process of Software Maintenance Releases" . Victor Basili, Lionel Briand, Steve Condon, Yong-Mi Kim, Walcélio Melo and Jon Valett; University of Maryland, College Park, Computer Science Department Technical Report #3502, September 1995
- [ICSM94] "A Change Analysis Process to Characterize Software Maintenance Projects." L. Briand, V. Basili, Y. Kim, D. Squier. In Proc of the Int'l Conf. on Software Maintenance, Sept 1994.
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