ACM S3 2012
Advance Program
The workshop will be held in the Jupiter room.
9:15 - 9:30
Opening Remarks
Chairs: Aaron Schulman and Hamza Soganci
9:30 - 10:45
Keynote: "Should I Work on Wireless Networks?" Advice for Early-Career Graduate Students
Kyle Jamieson, University College London (UCL)
Slides (pdf)Chair: Davut Incebacak
This talk is aimed at early-career graduate students who are in the process of making the decision of where to focus their doctoral studies. Reviewing the basics of the field, I will describe what makes wireless networks hard and exciting, what constitutes a good research question in wireless networks, and what defines success in wireless research. At the end of the talk I will propose four heuristics for choosing interesting wireless research problems.
10:45 - 11:30
Break 1
11:30 - 13:00
Theory and Systems 1
Chairs: Xia Zhou, Julien Herzen, Ashwin Ashok, and Swati Rallapalli
Rate Adaptation and User Matching for Multiuser MIMO Networks
Yu-Chih Tung (Academia Sinica) Wei-Liang Shen (Academia Sinica) Kate Ching-Ju Lin
(Academia Sinica) -
Modelling Distributed MIMO Communication
Horia Vlad Balan (USC) Ryan Rogalin (USC) Antonios Michaloliakos (USC) Konstantinos Psounis (USC) Giuseppe Caire (USC) -
PhantomClients: Interference-Free Transmission in 802.11 Networks
Hang Yu (Rice) David Kao (Rice) Ashutosh Sabharwal (Rice) Lin Zhong (Rice)
13:00 - 14:30
Lunch & Poster Session
Chairs: Oya Simsek and Yalcin Sadi
- Distributed Fault Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
Utku Demir (Koc University) - A Tool for Frequent Items Discovery in Large-Scale P2P Networks
Sena Efsun Cebeci (Koc University) - A Distributed Key Establishment Scheme for Wireless Mesh Networks Using Identity-Based Cryptography
Duygu Karaoglan (Sabanci University) - Fast Scheduling for Delay Minimization in UWB Wireless Sensor Networks
Yalcin Sadi (Koc University) - Resilient Key Establishment for Mobile Sensor Networks
Merve Sahin & Onur Catakoglu (Sabanci University) - A Distributed Scheme to Detect Wormhole Attacks in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
Oya Simsek (Sabanci University) - Advances in Malware Development
Can Yildizli (Sabanci University)
14:30 - 16:00
Systems 2
Chairs: Davide Zanetti and Ardalan Amiri Sani
Pushing the Limits: Side-Channel Attacks on Mifare DESFire MF3ICD40 for 300 USD
David Oswald (Ruhr-Universitat Bochum) -
XIFER: A Software Diversity Tool Against Code-Reuse Attacks
Lucas Davi (TU Darmstadt) Alexandra Dmitrienko (TU Darmstadt) Stefan Nurnberger
(TU Darmstadt) Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (TU Darmstadt) -
Interference Scripting: Protocol-aware Interference Generation for Repeatable
Wireless Testbed Experiments
Matthias Wilhelm (TU Kaiserslautern) Jens B. Schmitt (TU Kaiserslautern)
16:00 - 16:30
Break 2
16:30 - 18:00
PhD Forum
Nareso Vallina-Rodriguez and Anand Seetharam