Introduction to XML

Steven J. DeRose, David Durand


XML is a core document technology, whose relations to hypertext are still being explored, and for which new applications are still being found. This course provides an introduction to XML, and is a re-vamped version of the well-attended XML tutorial that has been presented at past Hypertext conferences.. This course will comprise a technical overview of the language itself, as well as information about its applications (especially as they relate to hypertext). We will discuss document analysis, and the place of XML in the larger group of related standards efforts, such as Xlink, RDF, XSL, and DOM. The course is targeted at anyone who thinks they need a technical and strategic overview of XML.

Presenter biographies

Steven J. DeRose is Chair, Bible Technologies Group. He has served as Chief Scientist at Inso Corporation, and Visiting Chief Scientist at the Brown Univesity Scholarly Technology Group. Dr. DeRose is an Editor of the Xlink specification, and has taken part in the XML, TEI, and HyTime standards efforts. He was a founder of Electronic Book Technologies and architect of the Dynatext product. He was head of the TEI working group on Hypertext representation, and wrote the TEI hypertext specification with David.

David Durand is VP software architecture at Ingenta plc, Chief Scientist at the Scholarly Technology Group, and Adjunct Associate Professor at Brown's Department of Computer Science. Dr. Durand is a co-author, with Steve, of "Making Hypermedia Work: A User's Guide to HyTime." He has taken part in the Text Encoding Initiative, XML, HyTime, XLink and WebDAV standards efforts, and has been working with and on structured document representations and hypertext for the last 20 years, in academic and industrial contexts.

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