University of Maryland

CMSC 420 Data Structures, Summer 2018

Permanent Policies
  • CMSC 420 interactive resource center on piazza is your source for announcements, TA office hours, and additional resources. Expect to receive lots of Piazza messages from me--consider them Mandatory Reading.
  • Dr Hugue will occasionally send email as drmeeshATgmailDOTcom, as well as meeshATcsDOTumdDOTedu. To help you, I will endeavor to put cmsc420 or 420 in the subject.
  • DO send email to Dr Hugue ( regarding technical questions, personal issues, project irregularities or private project concerns. Please be sure to put cmsc420 in the subject.
  • DO NOT email project questions to Dr. Hugue directly. She will tell you to post them to piazza.
  • All project-related questions will be answered on piazza to give all students equal access to the information. (Of course, you will need to add yourself to piazza first. Be sure to enable delivery of postings!)
  • In general, answers to project questions will not be emailed by the TA's. And, please don't email project questions to Dr. Hugue directly. She will tell you to post them to piazza. Although Dr. Hugue will answer questions on piazza occasionally, don't expect personal help from her in writing, debugging, or fixing Java code.
Latest Project Specification
Course Essentials
Course Content
Major Scheduled Grading Events
  • Two 75 minute in-class Tests: 6/21, 7/3 (20% each)
  • Cumulative Final Exam: 7/18 (32%)  
  • Project (28%):  
    • Part 0: (20 pts) Due 6/5 23:59PM with 48 hour grace period. No later submissions accepted for credit--only good faith effort.
    • Part 1: (80 pts) Due 6/12 23:59PM with 48 hour grace period. No later submissions accepted for credit--only good faith effort.
    • Part 2: (250 pts) Due 6/30 23:59PM with 48 hour grace period. Extension/s limited to university rules.
    • Part 3: (250 pts) Due 7/21 23:59PM with 48 hour grace period. Extensions limited to university rules.
      • Note 1: Contact Dr Hugue--Do not hesitate--to contact Dr. Hugue should you find yourself lost in the land of MeeshQuest.
      • Note 2: The term "grace period" means that there will be no deductions for projects submitted by the end of the grace period.
      • Note 3: We reserve the right to fail you in the absence of a good-faith effort on the project. The term "good faith effort" means that at minimum, you will modify the canonical partf and submit for part(f+1), for f from zero to two inclusive. Dr. Hugue is the sole arbiter of this issue, and the minimum number of project points to pass the class will be approximately 350 points unless otherwise stated.
      • Note 4: In the presence of a good faith effort and a minimum number of project points your final grade will be the maximum of the following: TBD
      • Note 5: In the presence of a good faith effort and a minimal number of project points, the final exam can only improve your grade.

Web Accessibility