
Welcome to the Summer 2017 iteration of CMSC 250!

If you're new here, welcome!

We have a course Piazza page.

All announcements related to this course will be posted through Piazza. It is your responsibility to make sure you are able to receive these announcements through Piazza.

Most questions should be directed to Piazza. However, if you need to get in contact with the course staff for an urgent matter, please email us using our emails which can be found on the staff page.


The syllabus for the course can be found here.

Collaboration Policy

For all of the assignments, there is a strict policy on collaboration. There is no collaboration on the homework assignments at all.

Any violation of this policy will be dealt with severely.


The course will cover the following topics (not necessarily in this order and not all-inclusive). See lectures for additional information.

  • Set Theory
  • Combinatorics
  • Probability
  • Relations and Functions
  • Proofs
  • Graph Theory
  • The Pigeonhole Principle


Grading will be weighted with the following breakdown:

  • 15% - Homework
  • 5% - Discussion Session Attendance
  • 25% - Midterm 1
  • 25% - Midterm 2
  • 30% - Final

Your lowest homework grade and one discussion session absence will be dropped when calculating final grades.

Web Accessibility