Parallel Computing (CMSC416/CMSC616)

Extra credit: Scribing for a lecture

Due: the following day after the lecture by 11:59 PM Eastern Time

You can choose to scribe a lecture in this course for receiving some extra credit. Each student can scribe for one lecture only. Multiple students can scribe for the same slot.

Steps to Follow

  1. Sign up for a slot. Only pick one single slot.
  2. During class, take careful notes.
  3. Prepare your notes into a document that is written out in complete sentences, in clear and precise prose, that would be understandable even by a student who might have missed class, not merely a transcription of the telegraphic notes that you jotted down during class.
  4. Upload your notes (in .docx format) to gradescope. You can use Google docs, and then Download as .docx.

Things to Remember

  1. You should write the notes yourself in your own words. It is okay to refer to the readings for this class; however, directly copying from other sources is a form of plagiarism and should be avoided. Do not include administrative information (such as due dates for homeworks) in your scribe notes.
  2. The scribe notes should be well-organized, using logical sectional divisions as appropriate. It is not enough to simply typeset the contents of the slides.
  3. You must also cite all the additional materials you consulted while preparing the lecture notes.

Due Dates

Initial drafts of scribe notes are due the evening following the lecture in question (e.g., scribe notes for a Tuesday lecture are due on Wednesday night by 11:59 pm).

What to Submit

You original notes in .docx format. Use this template for the notes. Name the file as follows: MM-DD-YYYY-FirstName-LastName.docx where MM-DD-YYYY is the date of the lecture.

Note that by scribing/editing, you are giving us permission to compile, edit, and disseminate all class notes for later use where you will be given credit (e.g. a textbook where you are acknowledged in the back). If you do not consent, please email us and let us know.



The instructor reserves the right to give zero or partial credit if the notes are not as described above.