Oyster Recovery Partnership
Name: Oyster Recovery Partnership

By: Michael Orlando, Jackson Styer, Eitan Cohen
Link to .apk
Link to .zip
App Description: The Oyster Recovery Partnership (ORP) sends trucks out through the region to collect oysters and dumps them in the bay at select oyster farming sites. Our app will help optimize collections times, routes, and advise ORP when a restaurant has a sufficient supply to warrant a pick up on an optimized route would be helpful.

App users are either a truck driver or a restaurant. Registration interfaces are available for both types of users and the login UI is used by both truck drivers and restaurants.

The UI for truck drivers includes a screen that will take you to google maps for the next available restaurant pickup location and then the closest oyster drop-off point.

The interface for restaurants keeps a running tally of oyster shells that are available for pickup. When the restaurant's oyster shell count reaches the minimum threshold of 500 oyster shells, the app will mark the restaurant as ready for pickup. The restaurants will get a notification when a truck driver is on the way to pick up the shells.
External link to YouTube video
List of external libraries and code used in this project
  • Toast, Firebase, DataSnapshot, Patterns, View, ViewGroup, Widget, TextUtils, Net URI, OS
  • We used the class slides, the firebase API at https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/android/google-signin and this YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aML6wfUGGA to setup the Login, Register, and Dashboard fragments, Firebase, the FragNav interface, and the MainActivity.
  • We used this stack overflow solution to help figure out how to handle registration and login for multiple types of users https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46372780/android-firebase-different-types-of-users-login
  • We used this resource for the Restaurant Dashboard https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41790357/close-hide-the-android-soft-keyboard-with-kotlin

Web Accessibility