Circular Programming
Here is the data definition for a tree with only leaves.
data Tree = Leaf Int | Node Tree Tree deriving (Show)
Suppose we want a function minT
that calculates the minimum values of a tree. This is a straight-forward recursive function.
minT :: Tree -> Int minT (Leaf x) = x minT (Node t u) = mt `min` mu where mt = minT t mu = minT u
We shall call minT
our first computation. Now let’s consider something else, say replacing all leaves with a fixed value z
repT :: Tree -> Int -> Tree repT (Leaf x) z = Leaf z repT (Node t u) z = Node t' u' where t' = repT t z u' = repT u z
This is our second computation. To do both computations we call the functions in sequence.
repAndMinSeqT :: Tree -> Int -> (Tree, Int) repAndMinSeqT t z = (t', m) where t' = repT t z m = minT t
This traverses the tree twice. However, this is needlessly inefficient since we can do this computation in parallel by computing both properties simultaneously. We can do this by just smashing repT
and minT
repAndMinParT :: Tree -> Int -> (Tree, Int) repAndMinParT (Leaf x) z = (Leaf z, x) repAndMinParT (Node t u) z = (Node t' u', mt `min` mu) where (t', mt) = repAndMinParT t z (u', mu) = repAndMinParT u z
Instead of computing both properties completely independently, what if we want some dependency? Let’s say we want to replace each element of the tree with the minimum value. This is no challenge with our sequential version. We’ll pass the result of our first computation, the output computation into our second, the auxiliary computation.
repWithMinSeqT :: Tree -> Tree repWithMinSeqT t = t' where t' = repT t m m = minT t
Fine, but can we do this in parallel? Yes, with trace
! Simply call trace
on repAndMinParT
trace :: (a -> b -> (c, b)) -> a -> c trace f i = o where (o, z) = f i z repWithMinParT :: Tree -> Tree repWithMinParT = trace repAndMinParT
Here’s how you can think of trace
in general.
takes a functionf
and produces a new function with a single input and output. The functionf
take in two argumentsi
the input andz
the auxiliary result. It computes two properties in parallel and returns them in a tuple.The first component is the output computation and becomes the final result of
trace f
(in the above example it’s the tree replacement calculation). The second is the auxiliary computation (in this example the calculation of the minimum leaf).trace
to the final value of the auxiliary computation. You are permitted to use this value whilst doing the output computation.