Topics covered in CMSC 651, Analysis of Algorithms, Spring 2018
Instructor: Aravind
Class Venue and Time: CSI 1121, 3:30-4:45AM Tue, Thu
The following is an approximate list of topics covered in
CMSC 651, Spring 2018.
This is an approximate summary, but gives an idea of the primary issues
covered. Please let Aravind know if there are any major omissions or
Lecture 1, Jan. 25, 2018:
- Our first topic: randomized algorithms and the probabilistic analysis of
- A simple example: checking polynomial equalities, and an optimal lower
bound for deterministic algorithms (see Lecture 1 in the lecture notes).
- The basic model of random sources for randomized algorithms;
von Neumann's trick in the case of unknown bias (but assuming independence).
- Basics of probability including mutual exclusion and independence; the
union bound and the alternating properties of truncated inclusion-exclusion
(see Lecture 4 in the lecture notes).
- Conditional probability and "exposure" arguments.
- A second example of fast algorithms using randomization:
algorithm to verify matrix multiplication.
- Required Reading: Lectures 1 and 2 from the lecture notes.
Lecture 2, Jan. 30, 2018:
- The Principle of Deferred Decisions.
- Randomized algorithms vs. the probabilistic analysis of
- Bayesian reasoning: how does our belief evolve as we run iterations of
Freivalds' algorithm?
- A Naive Bayes Classifier, conditional independence, and a very brief
discussion of graphical models.
- More on conditioning and deferred decisions: start the
Isolation Lemma.
Lecture 3, Feb. 1, 2018:
- Finish the proof of the
Isolation Lemma.
- The matching problem, its classical and continuing roles, and the
application of the Isolation Lemma to matching, due to Mulmuley-Vazirani-Vazirani.
- Proofs for the linearity of expectation and the expectation of a product
of independent random variables.
- Alternative formula for the expectation, and application to the Negative
Binomial distribution.
- Applications of the linearity of expectation: a randomly-typing monkey
generating profound statements, and coupon collector.
- Required Reading: Ta-Shma's proof
of the Isolation Lemma.
Lecture 4, Feb. 6, 2018:
- Markov's inequality; careful iterated application to converting Las Vegas
algorithms such as Randomized Quicksort to high-probability schemes.
- The "+1/-1" trick and an unbiased estimator for the permanent: why
tail bounds are needed, and why we minimally need variance bounds.
- Use of Chebyshev for basic sampling; also cover sampling without
replacement and how negative correlation helps.
- Algorithms and the future of jobs?
- Start Chernoff-Hoeffding.
Lecture 5, Feb. 8, 2018:
- Proof for Chernoff-Hoeffding, and the behavior of the bounds in various
- How Chernoff-Hoeffding gets improved sampling bounds.
- An introduction to k-wise independence (e.g., discussion of a
simple pseudorandom generator that stretches t random bits to
2^t - 1 unbiased and pairwise independent random bits), and
connections to sampling.
Lecture 6, Feb. 13, 2018:
- An unsuccessful attempt to apply the Chernoff approach to the
upper-tail of Coupon Collector. (Student Leonidas Tsepenekas later came up
with an elegant upper-bound; the notes I distributed show why this upper
bound is tight. HW2 shows that the lower tail of Coupon
Collector decays rapidly, via correlation inequalities.)
Lecture 7, Feb. 15, 2018:
- The data-stream model and the Alon-Matias-Szegedy upper-bound for
estimating F_2.
- A useful statistical tool: the median-of-means estimator.
- Start decision problems, Turing machines and computational
Lecture 8, Feb. 20, 2018:
- The complexity classes P, NP, coNP, PSPACE and EXPTIME: inclusions and
- Reductions, NP-completeness, and the Cook-Levin Theorem.
- The status and importance of the P vs. NP problem; the legacies of
Cook, Edmonds, Karp, Levin, Nash, and Turing.
- Brief discussion of PPAD and #P.
- Reduction from 3-SAT to INDEP. SET.
- Computational complexity as a lens on the sciences.
- Start the notion of an approximation algorithm.
Lecture 9, Feb. 22, 2018:
- Recap the notion of an approximation algorithm.
- The set-cover problem: integer-programming formulation,
linear programming (LP) in general and its geometry, and LP-relaxation for
set cover.
- Some insight into the computational aspects of LP and convex programming:
- convex programming and its history, "separation" as equivalent to
optimization, and basic properties of gradients;
- the performance of gradient descent (a basic local-search technique)
for convex optimization
(with bounded gradients and diameter), from the first 25 minutes of
Elad Hazan's video.
- randomized rounding for set cover: a slightly-different approach and
proof than in Williamson-Shmoys.
- Required Reading: Chapter 1 of Williamson-Shmoys, and at least the
first 25 minutes of Elad Hazan's video.
Lecture 10, Mar. 1, 2018 (Guest Lecture by Karthik Abinav Sankararaman):
- Section 2.1 of Williamson-Shmoys.
- Most of Section 2.2 of Williamson-Shmoys.
Lecture 11, Mar. 6, 2018:
- Complete Section 2.2 from Williamson-Shmoys.
- Section 2.3 of Williamson-Shmoys.
- Very quick recap of dynamic programming.
- Matrix powering for linear recurrences: much-faster algorithms compared to
naive dynamic programming.
- Color coding for finding long simple paths: elegant randomization plus
dynamic programming.
- Start Section 3.1 of Williamson-Shmoys: introduction to knapsack
and to the notion of an FPTAS.
- Required Reading: Section of 3 of the very-useful Alon-Yuster-Zwick
paper on color-coding.
Lecture 12, Mar. 8, 2018:
- Complete Section 3.1 from Williamson-Shmoys.
- Pseudo- and strongly-polynomial-time algorithms, does LP have a
strongly-polynomial algorithm?, and Tardos' work on strong polynomiality
for LPs such as min-cost flow.
- LP-rounding for knapsack, and the associated linear-algebraic methods.
- Finish Section 3.2 from Williamson-Shmoys.
Lecture 13, Mar. 13, 2018:
- Section 4.2 from Williamson-Shmoys.
- Recap of the computational equivalence of separation and optimization,
and high-level coverage of Section 4.3 from Williamson-Shmoys.
- Section 6.1 from Williamson-Shmoys.
Lecture 14, Mar. 15, 2018:
- Section 6.2 from Williamson-Shmoys.
- Some useful facts: why the high-dimensional Gaussian is what models
the uniform distribution on the sphere, conic combinations, and the PSD
- High-level coverage of Section 6.3 from Williamson-Shmoys.
Lecture 15, Mar. 27, 2018:
- The PRAM models, and the complexity classes NC^i, RNC^i, NC, and RNC.
- A few basic divide-and-conquer algorithms on the PRAM.
- An interlude motivated by such divide-and-conquer: for what functions
f(n) does the recurrence T(n) = T(f(n)) + O(1) solve to T(n) = O(log n),
O(log log n), O(log log log n) etc.?
- P-completeness and the distinction between two related problems: matching
and flow.
Lecture 16, Mar. 29, 2018:
- Quick recap of the PRAM model.
- Quick overview of MapReduce from the work of
- Matroids: examples and proof of optimality of the greedy algorithm.
- The rank function of matroids and the statement alone of its
Lecture 17, Apr. 3, 2018:
- Submodularity: two equivalent definitions, examples, and
statement alone of Lovasz's result about minimizing a submodular function.
- Proof of submodularity of the matroid rank function.
- The matroid polytope and its separation oracle.
- The tight constraints at a vertex of a polytope
span the ambient space.
Lecture 18, Apr. 5, 2018 (Guest Lecture by Karthik Abinav Sankararaman):
- Online algorithms and the competitive ratio.
- Internet advertising and online algorithms.
- The Karp-Vazirani-Vazirani algorithm for online bipartite matching, and
primal-dual analysis due to Devanur-Jain-Kleinberg.
Lecture 19, Apr. 10, 2018:
- The tight constraints at a vertex of a polytope
span the ambient space.
- Structure of tight constraints at a vertex of a matroid polytope, using
the key technique of uncrossing; an (optional)
"\ell_2^2" potential technique to
see why uncrossing converges.
- The integrality of the matroid polytope.
- Start matroid intersection.
- Required Reading: Proofs (using uncrossing) of Lemmas 4.1.5 and
5.2.3 from Lau-Ravi-Singh.
Lecture 20, Apr. 12, 2018:
- Matroid intersection: e.g., bipartite matching and max-weight
- Proof of integrality for matroid intersection.
- Shortest paths as an introduction to flow:
- Shortest path as min-cost unit flow.
- Edge-based and path-based flows; flow decomposition.
- LP formulation and integrality.
- Max flow: definition, residual graph and augmenting paths, Ford-Fulkerson
algorithm, short discussion about Fulkerson.
- Required Reading: Chandra Chekuri's two slide-decks:
here and
Lecture 21, Apr. 17, 2018:
- Max flow:
- Residual graphs and augmenting paths
- Convergence and optimality of the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
- The max-flow min-cut theorem
- Time complexity of max-flow from Ford-Fulkerson, Edmonds-Karp, and
various improvements to Lee-Sidford
- Brief discussion of: Tardos' strongly-polynomial-time algorithm for
min-cost max flow, the modern interior-point methods, and Karp's
chat (interview with Samir Khuller) quip about the modern role of linear algebra
- Recap of duality; weak and strong duality
- Dual relationship between max-flow and min-cut; integrality of the
min-cut relaxation
- Required Reading: Chandra Chekuri's two slide-decks:
here and
- Recommended Viewing: Richard Karp's
chat with Samir Khuller
Lecture 22, Apr. 19, 2018:
- Pipage rounding and its randomized counterpart,
- Applications to max-k-coverage.
- Fairness in algorithms and machine learning, a possible formulation
of fairness in k-coverage, dependent rounding
for fair k-coverage, and verifiable fairness.
- Dependent-rounding algorithm and proofs of its properties (especially
the negative cylinder property -- property (A3) in the
rounding paper).
- Required Reading: The algorithm and proofs of
properties (A1), (A2), and (A3) from the
rounding paper.
- Recommended reading about a very key issue:
The resources on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine
Learning at FAT/ML.
Lecture 23, Apr. 24, 2018:
- Recap of basic linear algebra, including:
- subspaces and dimension;
- orthonormal bases;
- basis rotation and the \ell_2 norm;
- the \ell_2 norm and sums of squares (as opposed to other powers), and
how these enable the Pythagoras Theorem, eigenvalues, basis rotation etc.;
- length, dot product, projection onto a vector and onto a subspace;
- matrix rank and proof of its subadditivity.
- Discussion of the work of Jon Kleinberg, specifically the pre-history of
web-search and very brief coverage of Kleinberg's linear-algebraic work, as well as
modern ML combined with human decisions for
bail cases.
- Start SVD from Chapter 3 of Blum-Hopcroft-Kannan:
- data as an n x d matrix, but often low-rank or close to low rank;
- want: a k-dim subspace that minimizes the sum of the squares of the
projection distances or equivalently, maximizes the sum of the squares of
the lengths of the projections;
- the case k = 1 and the first singular value (the spectral norm);
- the inductive greedy algorithm for higher singular vectors, and when
this process stops.
- Recommended Viewing: Eric Horvitz's
fireside chat
with Jon Kleinberg.
Lecture 24, Apr. 26, 2018:
- Continue with SVD from Blum-Hopcroft-Kannan.
- The SVD algorithm and proof of correctness.
- The right singular vectors are a basis for the row-space of the matrix.
- Perspective on how changing the basis carefully can help (and brief
mention of a different approach that shares this feature in some cases:
Fourier analysis).
- The Frobenius norm and the sum of the squares of the singular values.
- Optional Reading: The power of linear-algebraic (e.g., vector)
embeddings in automatically learning associations: see
Lecture 25, May 3, 2018:
- The SVD decomposition into the sum of rank-one matrices.
- How to get the best rank-k approximation in terms of Frobenius distance.
- The left-singular vectors and why they are orthogonal.
- What happens when the matrix is symmetric?
Lecture 26, May 8, 2018:
- The power method and its applications.
- Two cool, surprising proofs using the linearity of expectation:
- Quick recap of the topics after the mid-term, and discussion of the
final exam.
Lecture 27, May 10, 2018:
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