CMSC 351 - "Thought Questions" - CMSC 351
Not Graded but Should be Done
Assume rich deposits of clean underground water have been found in Utah.
The state of Nevada would like to build a central pipeline from Utah
to the border of Nevada for bringing in that water.
There are n wells in Utah and you have their longitude and
latitude positions.
The rules imposed on you are:
- pipes can only be laid North/South or East/West (no diagonals)
- all n wells need to be connected to the central pipeline
using the minimum amount of pipe
Provide an algorithm that will provide the optimal latitude on which
to run the central pipeline.
Way to turn this into a more familiar problem.
Consider the following solution for finding the MINIMUM element
in a list of n elements:
If the list has only one element, then return it
Step 1: divide into pairs and compare
discard the larger of each pair as a candidate
to create a new (smaller) list of candidates
Step 2: recursively call this function to find the MINIMUM
of this smaller list
We have discussed in class that it can't run in better than n-1
number of comparisons. Use a recurrence tree to carefully model
this recursive solution and show that this tree can be used to
establish that the run time for this is exactly n-1.
NOTES: Don't worry about floors and ceilings (ie: assume the list is a power of 2).
Use a recurrence tree.
Don't over-approximate.
If you are stuck on how to start, the recurrence becomes this.
Imagine that we have a helper function H1 that runs in Θ(n) time and
another helper function H2 that runs in Θ(n2) time.
If I had an algorithm F that would
- call H1 on the input list which would return two sublists
each containing half of the original list
- make a recursive call to F on each of these two sublists
which would each return a single value from their sublist
- call H2 on a list containing the two values returned in
the previous step
then what is the asymptotic class of that algorithm?
If you want to make sure you've got the right recurrence before you move
forward, here's the recurrence and another note.
Assume we can find the 4th smallest element in a group
of 8 using A comparisons.
Step 1: Divide the original list into groups of 8
and find the 4th smallest in each group.
Call these the "Candidates".
Step 2: Find the median of the "Candidates" and call
this our pivot.
Step 3: Partition around this pivot.
Step 4: Recursively do selection on the appropriate of
the two "buckets" created during partitioning.
For our analysis, we will assume we have to look
in the bigger bucket.
(a) Determine the worst-case runtime's recurrence relation.
(b) Determine the Big-O asymptotic runtime of this, and then use
constructive induction to determine the constant factor for
it in terms of A.
Partial Solution
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