CMSC 351 - Homework #5 - Due by 11:59pm on March 8th

Write clearly. Write your name and section clearly on the top of the first page. Scan/photograph clearly. If we can't read it, we will grade it as incorrect.

After you finish your answers, scan or carefully photograph your answer sheets and create a single PDF with those images to upload to the ELMS entry.

You cannot e-mail them to me.

We may only grade some subset of these, but you are expected to do them all.

Use the techniques from class as you solve these homework problems.

(1) Assuming that you can find the median of a 6-element list in B steps 
    and that this is defined as returning the 3rd smallest value:
     (a) Determine the Θ of the worst-case runtime of the 
         "Median of Medians" algorithm assuming it uses "6" 
         rather than "3" or "5" as we had seen in class.  This
         means that you look at the recurrence always assuming
         the biggest possible bucket in which to recurse.
         Show your work.
     (b) Once you have that asymptotic class, use constructive
         induction to construct the best Big-O constant C that 
         you can for that high-order term.  If B is a part of that 
         constant, keep the B in the final answer.  Again, show your 

        REMINDER: To make the algebra nicer, and to reflect that you
            might need to compare the pivot to itself when you do the 
            partitioning to make the code easier, you should say that 
            partitioning has a cost of exactly n rather than n-1.

(2) For this problem, do a careful recursion tree for Quicksort, counting
    comparisons, but where you assume that the pivot that gets selected is 
    ALWAYS the median, and where you do not send the pivot into either 
    recursive call after partitioning.  
    Asssume that picking of the pivot is "free" for this analysis.

    Solve the summation carefully, keeping lower order terms in mind this time.

    You can assume a power-of-2 (or something similar) for the list's initial 
    size to avoid floor/ceiling issues if you'd like.
    I would suggest you do a trace by hand using a small input size (perhaps 
    n=15 or n=16) to get a feel for the pattern.

(3) We have a potential sorting algorithm as follows:

        Step 1: If we only have two elements, sort them by comparing
                them to each other and swapping if needed.

        Step 2: Recursively sort the first 2/3rds of the list.

        Step 3: Recursively sort the last 2/3rds of the list.

        Step 4: Recursively sort the first 2/3rds of the list.

    Assume "ceilings" on all fractions.

     (a) What is the very worst this algorithm could end up with as
         its worst-case runtime in terms of comparisons?


     (b) Does this algorithm always lead to an ordered list?  If it does,
         describe why you think this and maybe give a short input trace
         that supports it.  If it does not, then give a short input for 
         which the output will be incorrect.

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