Enable Java Applets to View Spatial Index Demos
This web page gives directions to run Java applets, which is necessary to view the demos demonstrating spatial data structures.
If there are any problems, feel free to contact the teaching assistant.
Downloading JDK 8 / AppletViewer
If the solution based on browsers is not applicable, you may also use the appletviewer, a tool included in Java SE Development Kit (JDK), in order to view the demos.
Note that the appletviewer does not need specific operating systems or browsers to run, so it would be convenient, especially without Windows and IE. : )
- First, download and install JDK. The latest versions are available here.
Choose the correct version for your operating system, and you may need to create an Oracle account first (it is free). E.g., I selected jdk-8u221-windows-i586.exe for my Windows 10 system.
- [Windows] Change environment variables for convenience. If not done so, you may need to locate the appletviewer manually when executing it.
- On Windows, Appletviewer can be found in the Java bin folder, e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_221\bin\appletviewer.exe. On MacOS, Appletviewer will be installed by default to /usr/bin/appletviewer.
- Afterwards, you are able to run appletviewer instead of browsers to visit the web sites containing applets.
Use the following command to execute the viewer: appletviewer [options] [url] where options could be omitted.
For example, if you are to watch the demo of rectangle quadtrees, use appletviewer http://donar.umiacs.umd.edu/quadtree/rectangles/recttree.html