You should ssh
to login to a RHEL8 login node:
ssh <username>
You can change your shell by using the chsh command. It appears that you can only do this currently on a RHEL6 login node (ssh to
Modules enable a user to load system installed software. To load mpi, you need to type:
module load openmpi/gcc
Once you do this you'll notice that mpicc and mpicxx are in your path.
You can look for other installed software by typing: module avail <name>. module list lists your currently loaded modules.
You need to use mpicc or mpicxx to compile your code. You can do this on the login node.
mpicc -O3 -o myexe myprogram.c
All programs should be run on compute nodes by submitting a job via a batch script. A sample batch script looks like this:
#SBATCH -t 00:10
#SBATCH --constraint=rhel8
mpirun -np 4 ./mpi
Jobs are submitted to the batch system using sbatch. Lets say you save the snippet above in a file called You can then type:
You can check the status of your jobs by typing:
squeue -u