Who's There
my_dog_porter Who's There
External link to .apk
HTTPS Link to Source
This app will use information from user’s finite GPS coordinates to both track location and alert users when two or more “friends” are in the same proximity. Users can choose to categorize their friends into different classes (best friends, family, etc) which will determine the notification types the user will receive. If running on emulator, users must manually input their location, it is not automatic. The application will allow users to login via facebook and will display a map along with the list of the groups of friends.
my_dog_porter my_dog_porter my_dog_porter
my_dog_porter my_dog_porter my_dog_porter
my_dog_porter my_dog_porter my_dog_porter
Who's There Demo
  • Firebase
  • Facebook Login
  • Google Location API

Web Accessibility